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New UI - September 2020

On September 15th SiteMax is deploying a new user interface for Web and Mobile. Consistency, ease of use, and streamlined design...

Julien Lavy avatar
Written by Julien Lavy
Updated over a week ago

In September, most of our customers will be seeing a new version in their browser and mobile app. Make sure to upgrade to the latest version!


We maintain the simplicity and familiarity of the system you are used to while de-cluttering and unifying views and workflows.

There are too many enhancement to list them all but here are a few examples.

New icon sets and navigation



More useful and intuitive table layouts

Daily Site view

Self-contained fields with a visible heading

Consistent tables view with new filters and viewing options.

We hope you like those enhancements as much as we do. Feel free to share your thought by reacting to this article!

Legacy Customers

Some of our legacy customers will have to wait to see this new design, as a manual conversion will be planned for each by the end of the year. This applies to customers that have been with us for over two years and will be contacted in the coming months. Learn more.

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