Dashboard > Settings > Lists > Cost Codes
Always remember to ensure the correct people have the appropriate permissions to access your company and project data. This can be done per individual or by applying Permission Templates.
In order to add Cost Codes to Projects, users will need Create permissions for either Projects, Projects (assigned) and View permissions for Company Settings
Adding cost codes to projects allows you to categorize and track project expenses more effectively.
From the Dashboard, navigate to "Settings" and click on the "Cost Codes" tab.
Within the Cost Codes section, you will see a list of available cost codes. Review the list and select the codes you want to add to your project. You can select multiple codes by checking the corresponding checkboxes.
Once you have selected the desired cost codes, click into the "Actions" drop-down menu located at the top right of the cost codes list. From the drop-down menu, choose "Assign to Project(s)".
After selecting the "Assign to Project(s)" option, a pop-up window will appear. In this window, you will need to click "Select a context" and "Select Projects".
Once you have chosen the context, click the "Save" button to add the selected cost codes to your project(s). The cost codes will now be associated with the respective project(s) you have selected.
Note: When adding cost codes to projects, it is important to select the appropriate context to ensure accurate categorization of expenses.
Timecards/Equipment codes are typically used for tracking labor and equipment-related costs.
Purchase Order/Material codes are used for managing materials and procurement-related expenses.
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