Dashboard > Settings > Modules > Forms > Create Form Builder Form
Always remember to ensure the correct people have the appropriate permissions to access your company and project materials. This can be done per individual or by applying Permission Templates.
In order to access Form Builder, users will need Edit permissions for Settings
The Submit button allows you to create a button with custom actions for when users have completed a form. When used in conjunction with the Save component, this button may complement or replace the save and email functions.
Adding a Submit Button
To create custom logic for the submit button, start by dragging and dropping the submit button to the form builder area. Then, click the pencil icon to edit.
Once you have opened and clicked "edit" you will be provided with the following fields that can be edited.
Component Label: Rename the Submit button to anything you like. You can use it for Approve, Reject, Review
Button Color: Change the colour of the button as needed between Green, Blue, or Red using the dropdown
Submit Action: Use the dropdown to select between Lock, Set Log/Timestamp, Email, Set Label, Set Status, and Set Assignee
Customizing Submit Actions
Submit actions can be added to buttons to create more customized workflows for better results. This can range from sending an email, avoiding an additional email step in the process, or manipulating data within the workflow.
When Should Submit Actions Be Used?
Submit actions should be used when there is a need for the workflow to run certain actions directly and efficiently. For instance, if the goal of the workflow is to save time, submit actions can be used to avoid another step/action in the process otherwise needed.
Submit Actions has the following options:
Lock - Enable this Submit Action for a form to save and lock when the button is clicked
Set Log/Timestamp - When enabled, there will be a log and timestamp added to the form when the button is clicked
Email - This Submit Action will distribute the form to a specified list of recipients when the button is clicked
When selecting this option in the Submit Actions, you will see the option to:
If Email Distribution List is selected the form will be emailed to the distribution list selected on either the company settings and/or project settings for the form.
If Custom Email List is selected you will be able to enter a list of emails that will get notified each time the specific button is clicked.
Note: To enable email delivery to specific individuals, you can incorporate multiple buttons, each associated with a designated email address. This empowers users to choose the recipient to whom the completed form should be emailed.
Set Label - This Submit Action will assign a Label to the form that will appear in the Label column
Set Status - When enabled this Submit Action will assign a Status to the form that will appear in the Status column
Enter the name of the Status in the Status field
Set Assignee - Select this Submit Action if you would like the form to be assigned to a specific user once the Submit button has been clicked
Select your assignee from the list of all users
Using the Submit Button for Approvals
Need an approval workflow? Insert a column component and drag two Submit components in each column. Rename the first one to approve and green, and rename the second one to reject and red. Make sure the proper label is set and the appropriate people will be emailed.
Additionally, you can also set this button to appear based on a response of another component using Field Dependency.
Field Dependency is used to automate your forms, populating fields based on a selected field. For example, if a user selects Yes to the question above, the Submit button will populate in the form.
Disable Default Save Buttons
If you wish to use the Submit component as an alternative to the original "Save" or "Save & Email" options that were found at the bottom of each form, you can then choose to disable these options. We recommend using the Submit component in conjunction with the Save component.
IMPORTANT: You will need to select "Email" as one of the Submit Actions in order to replace the Save and Email option.
On the main page of your Forms tab, click on the cog icon of the form
Under Form Options, check the "Disable Default Save button"
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