Always remember to ensure the correct people have the appropriate permissions to access your company and project data. This can be done per individual or by applying Permission Templates.
In order to work with Form Builder, users will need Edit permissions for Settings
Form Builder Components Overview
Our Form Builder allows users to create custom form templates that suit their workflows.
SiteMax makes it easy with drag-and-drop functionalities. When you first create a form you will notice tiles on the left side. Each of these tiles provides specific functionalities. They are called components that can be classified into two types:
Static: components seen on the form or used to format the form
Output Components
Layout Components
Dynamic: they will require a user action
Input Components
Drag-and-Drop Components
To place an item on the form you can drag and drop the item.
Once an item is in the work area hover over the item area and click on the pencil icon to edit the item field.
Components Definitions
Input Components
Input: Open a text field where users can enter the information
Phone Number: Allows users to only input numbers in a phone number format
Email: Text field for users' email
Textarea: Open text field for additional information
Time: The field allows users to select a time
Date: Allows the user to select an exact date
Checkbox: The checkbox gives users options to check items
Select: Create multiple- or single-select options for users to select from existing or custom lists
Radio: Add options "YES, NO or N/A" or choose your own options
Signature: Allow users to draw or insert their signature to sign off on a form
Photo Upload: Allows users to upload up to 10 images on the form
PDF Upload: Allow users to upload a PDF
Submit: Add a button with special logic, rename the button as needed, and create specific actions for the button(s) (Save, Save & Lock, Save & Email, Save, Lock & Email).
Save: Use the Save component in conjunction with the Submit component and as an alternative to the "Save" function at the bottom of the form (which can now be disabled to avoid confusion). Adding the Save button allows users to save their forms while working in the field to avoid losing their data.
Tasks: Create tasks for projects from within forms
Assessment: The field allows users to input assessment status, add photos, or make comments.
Output Components
Title: Add a custom form title
Subtitle: Add subtitle
Text: Use the small text area to add information, such as form instructions
Link: Add an external link on the form. These links can be clicked on while users fill out forms to be directed to external pages
Weather: Show weekly weather on site
Image: Display images on the form by uploading image files
Layout Components
Group: Allows users to group components that can be useful to better organize the form or to create repeatable lists
Column Layout: Create multiple columns on the same level (up to 4 columns)
Spacer: This allows additional spaces between components to create more user-friendly forms
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