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Equipment Reports

Using and creating

Marjorie Galit avatar
Written by Marjorie Galit
Updated over a month ago

Dashboard > Equipment

Dashboard > Select a Project > Equipment


Always remember to ensure the correct people have the appropriate permissions to access your company and project data. This can be done per individual or by applying Permission Templates.

In order to add equipment reports, users will need Create permissions for the relevant forms.

Equipment reports can be created by using the Form Builder and creating a report template.

Adding Equipment Reports

To create or locate an equipment report, you will need to navigate to the Company- or Project-level Equipment tab on the left-hand menu bar. There you will find your Company or Project specific equipment for which the report is intended. To access a report, click on the equipment ID.

On the Equipment Detail pop-up page, you will see 4 sections: Profile, Maintenance, Reports, Log. Click on Reports to add an Equipment Report to the equipment.

On the left side is a list of all forms available within Equipment reports. The number beside the form name represents the number of forms completed for this equipment. Select the form you want to create by clicking on the name of the form. Click Add Form and fill the report with the relevant information.

NOTE: Multiple PDF Export allows you to select an already created form that you can then download. You are able to download the forms as a zip file, as individual forms, or as a merged PDF of all the forms.

Learn more about Equipment Reports in the Mobile App!

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