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Company vs. Project Level

Company and Project modules. Understanding SiteMax's data hierarchy.

Carrina Jaime avatar
Written by Carrina Jaime
Updated over 12 months ago

SiteMax's data structure comprises two primary levels for tracking and storing information: the Company level and the Project level. Data within a Project is managed within that specific project context, but it is also always available at the Company level.

All Project modules relate back to the Company modules. For example, when a document is added to a Project's Documents module, it becomes available within the Company's Documents module at the Company level. This dual existence ensures data integrity while maintaining the systematic organization of documentation and other information at the desired level.

When you navigate at the Project level, you have visibility into data that pertains specifically to that project. However, the Company level data encompasses all projects and the entire company.

  • Any data or information added at the Project level can be accessed at the Company level (hierarchical structure).

  • For example, Equipment added at the Project level will be reportable and visible at the Company level. At the Company level's Equipment module, Equipment across all projects is visible and reportable.

  • All modules existing at the Project level can be found at the Company level. This allows for visibility into certain aspects of the Project such as Forms, Tools and Materials, Teams, Documents, and more.

Note: Everything within a Project ultimately rolls up to the Company level. However, not all data added at the Company level is necessarily accessible at the Project level.

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