Dashboard > Team > Contacts
Dashboard > Select a Project > Contacts
Always remember to ensure the correct people have the appropriate permissions to access your company and project materials. This can be done per individual or by applying Permission Templates.
In order to grant contacts External User Access, users will need Create or Edit permissions for Contacts
Creating Contacts can be done in your Project or Company level settings. To create contacts that can be given access to receive and approve RFIs, Submittals, or Change Orders, they will need to be created as contacts with External User Access.
When choosing External User Access in a new contact profile, the user will be created and granted access as a Collaborator but will have no access to projects or company info unless granted. The Contact will now be seen as a User in the system with limited permissions as a Collaborator with a relationship to their existing Contact information.
This will allow such users to be selected as Recipients of RFIs, Submittals, or Change Order email notifications with the following updates:
Response added (in the system or via email)
Closed (includes final response, in system)
Submittal Approved, Reviewed or Rejected
Draft submitted
RFI submitted
Once the RFI or Change Order has been received in the Recipient's inbox, they can reply to the email or respond in SiteMax. Then, their response will be recorded in the Project's RFI, Submittal, or Change Order requests in SiteMax.
NOTE: When the contact receives an email, the response in SiteMax will automatically reference the contact's email. Forwarding this email to another contact will still require a response from the original recipient to continue along with the approval workflow.