Always remember to ensure the correct people have the appropriate permissions to access Punch Items and Lists. This can be done per individual or by applying Permission Templates.
In order to access all areas of Company Settings, users will need Manage permissions for Settings
In order to access all areas of Project Settings, users will need Manage permissions for Projects
To keep the menus organized we've made some helpful changes to the way you manage your projects and company settings. When navigating through SiteMax Systems, you'll come across two important areas: Company Settings and Project Settings. These serve as hubs for configuring preferences, settings, and specific details pertaining to your projects. Let's take a closer look at each:
Company Settings
Scope: Company Settings have a broad reach, impacting the entirety of a company.
Purpose: They serve as the foundation for establishing standardized configurations, preferences, and options that will remain uniform across all projects within the company's account.
Managed by: Typically, these settings are overseen by company admins or individuals with high-level administrative permissions.
Components of Company Settings
In this section, you can update your company address, contact info, and branding (customize your site by adding a logo for your letterheads, a login background, or a greeting for users).
2. Lists Tab
Under the Lists Tab, you'll find several critical sub-tabs:
Cost Codes: Here is where you can create Cost Codes for your company as well as group them for different areas of your business.
Divisions: Through the Divisions tab, you can create the different divisions that will allow you to separate by fields such as "masonry", "carpentry", etc. or departments such as "accounting", "health & safety", or "design & engineering"
Phases: Under the Phases tab, you can create the different phases for a project (ie; "Pre-Construction", "Foundation", etc.)
Classifications: Under this tab you can create the different classifications you use for your business (ie; "Drilling", "Shoring", etc.)
Tags: Here you can create the tags needed for all your organizational data. They provide details about an item and make it easy to locate or organize related items that have the same tag.
Titles: This section allows for the customization of roles and titles within the company's structure.
Import/Export: This tab is where you can import your company lists such as Contacts, Materials, Equipment, etc. You can also export your lists as well.
3. Modules Tab
The Modules Tab encompasses various modules that contribute to the efficient operation of projects:
Company Notice Tab: This area is dedicated to managing and disseminating company-wide notifications and updates.
Notices Tab: The Notices tab allows you to create new notices for both Siteflows and your Project Day Views.
Purchase Orders Tab: This module facilitates the management and settings of Purchase Orders specifically suited to your workflows.
Time Tab: This module focuses on your general time settings, payroll periods, and overall time configuration & customization, ensuring accurate recording and management of labor hours.
Contacts Tab: This tab is dedicated to managing and organizing contacts important to project operations.
Materials Tab: This tab allows you to configure how you want to organize your materials and choose your required workflow
Drawings Tab: Choose how you want your drawings to open each time when working within the Drawings module
Power Modules
Siteflows: Under this tab, you can create different Siteflows for different areas of your company/projects
Punch List: Here is where you can customize the settings for your Punch Items based on your Phase Configuration, Notifications, Types, and Statuses
Submittals: This tab allows you to customize the look of your submittals, whether it's viewing through the web or PDF
RFIs: Enable and set your RFI reminders under this tab
Change Orders: This tab allows you to customize the Terms and Conditions required for your Change Orders
4. Safety Program
Upload your OHS manual and safety program, and keep your safety documentation organized by adding section folders.
5. Integrations
At present, SiteMax has 2 integrations:
Quickbooks Online
This is where you authenticate and integrate your accounts with SiteMax. We are always working to add more integrations that make sense for you, our customer. If you have specific requests, please reach out to our support team.
Project Settings
Scope: Unlike Company Settings, Project Settings are specific to individual projects within the company's SiteMax account.
Purpose: These settings allow for a high degree of customization and management of project-specific details, preferences, and configurations.
Managed by: Project managers, adms, and users with project-level permissions are responsible for handling these settings.
Components of Project Settings
1. Info Tab
This part holds important details about the project. It's like a central storage for all the key information specific to the project.
3. Day View Tab
This section is where you can set up and customize your Daily Reports.
4. Lists Tab
Under the Lists Tab within Project Settings, you'll find several sub-tabs akin to those in Company Settings, tailored specifically for the project:
Cost Codes Tab: This enables the allocation of costs to specific categories within the context of the project.
Phases Tab: Here is where you can add the phases created in your Company Settings to your project.
Divisions Tab: Add divisions within the project to allow for the segmentation of work into distinct categories.
Locations Tab: Locations help in specifying where particular tasks or activities are taking place within the project. Here, you can easily set up, add, or handle locations for Submittals, Punch Items, RFIs, and Change Orders. It is presented in table format with separate parts for each module. This makes it easy to see if a specific location is enabled or not for the related column or module in that project.
Specifications Tab: This section deals with the specific requirements and details unique to the project submittals.
5. Modules Tab
Within the Modules Tab, you'll find several specialized modules that are vital to the project:
Forms Tab: This area is dedicated to the management of forms specifically tailored to the project. You may also find the QR of the form here that you can share to anyone outside the organization.
Purchase Orders Tab: This is where you can manage the settings for purchase orders.
Change Orders Tab: This is where you can add or remove the accounting emails.
Power Modules
Punch List Tab: Here, you can set the distribution for your Punch Lists, whether Custom or Automated.
Siteflow Tab: This tab houses the QR Codes created for your various Siteflows within your project.