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Form Builder - Autofill

Learn how to use autofill for calculations, automation, and project data. Using mathematical formulas to calculate in forms.

Carrina Jaime avatar
Written by Carrina Jaime
Updated today

Dashboard > Settings > Modules > Forms


Always remember to ensure the correct people have the appropriate permissions to access your company and project data. This can be done per individual or by applying Permission Templates.|

In order to work with Form Builder, users will need Edit permissions for Settings

Use autofill in your custom form templates to auto-populate project data directly into your forms in real-time. Also, with autofill, you can perform calculations for input fields with the form entry data directly in the form.

Using Autofill for Field Entries

To use autofill in your Input Components, start by clicking the pencil edit icon of the field you would like to edit. On the left-hand menu bar, you will find the autofill options as seen below.

The types of autofill field options are

  • Project Field: This autofill option will grab the Project's data, contacts, location, and people.

  • User Field: This autofill option will grab the data from the user that is logged in and filling out the form. It can grab the user's Name, Employee #, or Email.

  • Tool Field: This type of autofill can be useful when creating equipment reports to save the time spent manually inputting the Tool's information every time a new report is created.

  • Text Field: The Text type autofill can be used to autofill field entries that are predefined in the Autofill Value. For example, if you want the component to display "ABC Company" every time a form is submitted, you will need to include it as the Autofill Value.

  • *Label Field: The Label field works in conjunction with your Automatic Labelling feature, allowing you to label your forms with auto incremental numbers or form labels.

  • *Status Field: The Status field works with your Form Status and allows you to include an automatic status within your form.

  • Mathematical Formula: The autofill feature enables the calculation of a numerical field within a form, utilizing a predefined formula that extracts inputted numerical values from the form's input components. See below for creating mathematical formulas for calculations.

*Note; You must set up your Labelling and/or Form Status in your Form Settings in order to use your Label and/or Status autofill types.

Using Autofill for Calculations

With the Mathematic Formula autofill feature, you can calculate the Sum, Multiple, Division, or Subtraction value of two or more of the Form's data fields. Follow the steps below to learn how.

Step 1: Change "Input Type" to Number format. Change the format of your chosen input field to accept number inputs only.

Step 2: Copy the Data ID of the field by clicking on the clipboard icon.


Step 3: Create the Mathematical Formula using the copied Data IDs and your desired calculation. In the example above, the form will calculate the "Total KMS" by using the formula: SUM({Starting Odometer},{Ending Odometer}) in the format: SUM({La6gcfqevvFd},{JQFtkPvauw})

It is important to follow this format: SUM({DataID1},{DataID2}) or {DataID1}+{DataID2}

The Data IDs must be inputted with curly brackets {}. And the Data IDs must be organized together in parentheses ().

To subtract, use this format: SUBTRACT({DataID1},{DataID2}) or {DataID1}-{DataID2}

For multiple inputs, use this format: MULTIPLY({DataID1},{DataID2}) or {DataID1}*{DataID2}

To divide inputs, use this format: DIVIDE({DataID1},{DataID2}) or {DataID1}/{DataID2}

NOTE: The Mathematical Formula feature calculates similarly to an Excel sheet. Try experimenting with other formulas to customize your Company's forms.

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