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Automatic Labelling

How to automate labelling and statuses for forms. How to create and enable form labels and statuses.

Carrina Jaime avatar
Written by Carrina Jaime
Updated over a week ago

Dashboard > Settings > Modules > Forms > Form Settings


Always remember to ensure the correct people have the appropriate permissions to access your company and project data. This can be done per individual or by applying Permission Templates.

In order to set up Automatic Labelling for forms, users will need Manage permissions for Settings

Make organizing and sorting forms/reports easier with automatic labels that can be customized to improve your company's workflows. Follow the instructions below to create and automate a custom label for specific forms.

Step 1: Enable Automatic Labelling

In Forms tab of your Company Settings, click on the gear icon of the form you wish to edit


click on the three-dot icon to reveal the dropdown and select the Form Settings.

In the Form Settings, you will find your Form Options. Enable Labelling and/or Enable Statuses by checking the boxes as seen below:

Now that you have enabled labels and statuses, you can enter the Data ID of any entry field you wish to pull from a form. The Data ID will be entered into the Label or Status input, pointed out by the second arrow above.

Step 2: Locate the Data ID

Exit out of your Form's Settings and open the Form's Form Builder, by clicking on the pencil icon.

Next, you will locate the field(s) you would like to grab the input from and click the Clipboard icon to copy the data ID


You can click on the pencil icon to bring up the Edit sidebar. Scroll down to "Data ID, and copy the ID in the field

Step 3: Create an Automatic Label or Status

Return to the Form Settings > Enter the Data ID(s) in the Label or Status text field. Make sure to add the curly brackets "{ }" around the Data ID (example: {AWT_28H8}).

Save any changes made on the form > Close the form > Click on Custom Form menu(right side of form) > Click on "Form Settings" 

Note: You can add multiple "Data IDs" within this area for labelling. Be sure to keep each ID within their own set of curly brackets.

Step 4: View Automatic Labels and Statuses

As the form is completed, these fields will be reflected under the Label and Status columns.

Experience enhanced visibility into the data fields of your desired forms with the use of Automatic Labels.

Note; If using Select components with Custom options

add ".title" to the Data ID in the Label field

Auto Increment

Give your forms an automated numbering system. Whether you want to number your forms at the Company or Project Level, you can customize their numbering exactly to your specifications using our Auto Increment option.

  1. To start, be sure to Enable labelling

  2. Now you want to choose to set your Auto Increment at the Company or the Project Level. Choosing the Company Level will set your numbering across all projects, while selecting the Project Level will maintain the numbering within each project.

    1. Once you have selected your Auto Increment, you will be presented with a Number Offset option. This is where you can choose where you want your numbering system to start.

  3. If you would like to include a header to come before your number (ie; FORM #{number}, you can include this in your Label field.

    1. Enter the header, and then {auto_increment} and in your Label field, you'll now see this header with the number

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