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Form Features

New form features, form updates, form signature, form submit, form statuses

Carrina Jaime avatar
Written by Carrina Jaime
Updated over a week ago

NEW Signature Timestamp

To add the Signature Timestamp, start by clicking the pencil edit icon of the field you would like to edit.

On the left-hand menu bar, you will find the Signature options.

  • Display Timestamp - Display the exact time, date, and location to know when and where the user Signed off on the form

    • Signatures can have a Timestamp component enabled to show the exact time and user ID of the signee

    • When the user has their location settings on, the Timestamp component will also display the user's coordinates

NEW Submit Actions

In the "Submit" component of the Form Builder, under "Submit Actions", you now have more control. Choose from the options to:

  • Lock: only users with lock/unlock permission can edit

  • Set Log/Timestamp: display who and when this button was clicked for audit purposes

  • Set Label: define the label given to the form when taking this action

  • Set Status: define the status given to the form when taking this action

  • Set Assignee: assign the form to a specific user when taking this action. Very useful when combined with the notify assignee function.

Enable one or more of these Submit Actions for the "Submit" button to create more customized workflows for better results. This can range from sending an email, avoiding an additional email step in the process, or manipulating data within the workflow.

Click on the Edit component icon to find the Submit Actions:

NEW Customize PDF File Name

When you create a report and click "Save" it will now generate a PDF with a customized file name. For example, you may customize the name to include the report's name and date in the title, such as, "Mechanical Inspection Report - 2023-03-30.pdf" instead of a random combination of letters and numbers.

To do this, you will need to enable the Custom PDF name feature found in the Form's Settings:

When enabled, you will have the option to add text or field blocks for the desired autogenerated file name.

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