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Release Notes 2022

New Features, Updates and Improvements.

Julien Lavy avatar
Written by Julien Lavy
Updated over a week ago

January 2022

Hi SiteMax World,

We hope that your 2022 is off to a great start. Here is our first product update of the year.

๐Ÿ“ฃ New Features

  • The chat icon has moved from the bottom left of the screen to the top banner. To chat with our support team, please use the chat button beside your name.

  • Drawings. Share drawings by selecting the drawings and exporting them. SiteMax will create an external URL with downloadable links that can be shared with external users.

  • Form builder. We have a ton of components being added to the form builder. Some of the components include:

    • Change radio cell direction

    • Group by to display a subset of users in a form

    • Add labels

    • Add a submit button and link to a distribution list or custom email list

    • Add tasks from a form

    • Make distribution list for forms on a project by project basis

๐Ÿš€ Improvements

  • Equipment. Users with edit permissions can move equipment.

  • Drawings. Add users to the recipient list to receive an email notification when a new revision has been uploaded to SiteMax. To access the recipient list, click on the drawing and click on the i icon beside the actions button.

  • Scheduler. Users can select which task from the task list they want to sync date and assignee for.

  • Submittals. Submittals numbering has been updated. The numbering will now follow the format: division number - sequence starting 1.

  • Submittals. UI updates.

  • Time. Edit time entries and notes directly from the timetable on the web. Click on the gear in the table to make quick changes.

  • Time. Track edit histories by clicking on the clock in a time entry located in the top right corner. See what has been changed by who.

  • Time. You can now have a different start and end date when entering time, for situations where you are creating a time entry for a night shift.

  • Time. New time type added - โ€œSick Payโ€

  • Time. Mobile. The materials field has been moved to the bottom of the time entry.

  • Time. Mobile. When entering multiple manual entries, users can now customize these entries on one screen. Create an entry that applies to all the users OR enter individual entries (different duration, cost code, etc.) on the same screen.

  • Time. Mobile. Time entries can now be deleted by clicking on the three dots.

  • Site and Safety Reports. Mobile. Search bar and filters added.

๐Ÿ› ๏ธ Fixes

  • Drawings. White space adjustment is needed. Fixed.

  • Equipment. Category filter not populating results. Fixed.

  • Scheduler. We have done a lot of small fixes for the scheduler, including aligning the table, adding syncing dates, notification, and more.

  • Materials. Mobile. Total error. Fixed.

  • Reports. Filter issues. Fixed.

  • Reports. Opening forms error. Fixed.

  • Reports. Recent reports shortcut not working. Fixed.

  • RFI. Unexpected system error when canceling RFI. Fixed.

  • Settings. Unable to report issues on mobile. Fixed.

February 2022

๐Ÿ“ฃ New Features

  • Time Centre. Add time entries by entering the duration instead of a start and an end time, on web.

  • Time Centre. View weekly hours in a card layout by clicking on the table view (right-hand corner).

  • Password reset link available on

๐Ÿš€ Improvements

  • Tasks. Maintain file name when it gets uploaded to SiteMax.

  • Punch List. Delete location and sublocations.

  • Mobile. Version 4.1.41 is now available.

    • Mobile. Time Centre. Display unassigned users in time cards view using filters.

    • Mobile. Settings. Enable high-resolution button removed.

    • Mobile. Calling enabled via the app on Pixel 6.

๐Ÿ› ๏ธ Fixes

  • Time Centre. Reports filter and display error. Fixed.

  • RFI. Reply via email URL error. Fixed.

  • Equipment. 8 or more categories cannot be selected. Fixed.

  • Punch List. Sub location filter error. Fixed.

  • Punch List. Pin description error. Fixed.

  • Drawings. Unable to edit drawing number. Fixed.

  • Purchase Order. PDF display issues. Fixed.

  • Submittals. Numbering error. Fixed.

  • Drawings. PDF attachment in email error. Fixed.

  • Mobile. Unable to report issues. Fixed.

March 2022

๐Ÿ“ฃ New Features

  • Form builder. New components and functionality were added, including the ability to scan QR in a form to reference equipment or material. Check out our other support articles for more information.

  • Company Settings. Add an alternative logo to your company instance. When creating a form, select which logo to display in forms. Access this functionality in the form settings.

  • Mobile. Sound added to push notifications.

  • Calendar. A New 3-day calendar view is available.

๐Ÿš€ Improvements

  • Integration. More information regarding the DropBox integration has been added.

  • Permissions. Time Centre permissions update.

  • Form builder. Show component on title functionality is now dynamic with changes and updates made in Company titles and structures.

  • Company Reports. The project number is added to the table and CSV export.

  • Time. Tile and grid view enabled for equipment.

  • Time. In company settings under the time module, set the default time entry duration, which would be reflected when adding a time entry.

  • Time. Project assigned logic was removed so that any equipment can be selected to create an equipment time entry.

  • Time. Equipment time can be logged without being tied to a user.

  • Users. Enable labour tracking on the user profile and under the actions tab. Filter updated as well.

  • Purchase Order. Reference materials in a purchase order when the purchase order type is purchase or service. Enable this in the PO module in company settings.

April 2022

๐Ÿ“ฃ New Features

  • Punch List. Select the type of punch item from deficiency (default), warranty, and extra. The types have been added to the filter as well.

๐Ÿš€ Improvements

  • Purchase Order. UI update for consistency.

  • Company Reports. Project number added to CSV export.

  • Team. Icon updated.

  • Purchase Order. On mobile, you can select from the material list in a purchase order. Enable this functionality in settings.

  • Punch List. On mobile, you can filter punch items via location and trade.

  • Drawings. On mobile, arrows have been added to the drawing to allow users to navigate through different drawing files.

  • Account. On mobile, "Offline Drawings" have been renamed to "Remove Synced Drawings".

  • Warning messages have been added when users click outside of the modal.

  • Form builder. The assigned date of a form can now be updated.

  • Task. In company tasks, show all will display all tasks.

๐Ÿ› ๏ธ Fixes

  • Photos. External user error. Fixed.

  • Form builder. Field dependency saving error. Fixed.

  • Form builder. Photo attachment limit error. Fixed.

  • Navigation. Address display issues. Fixed.

  • Time Centre. Moving equipment between project issues. Fixed.

  • Time Centre. Sort functionality bug. Fixed.

August and October 2022

SiteMax product evolves thanks to the feedback of all our builders. The last three months have been focused on improving our infrastructure and responsiveness.

Here are some of the changes we still manage to introduce to make your job easier.

Mobile Calendar

- New calendar view of projects on mobile with a colourful monthly view to show your scheduled project on the go

- If you have only view on projects you are assigned to you will have a clear view of where to go on the calendar view


- Leverage better your toolbox and use it to filter and scan a list of tools

- Move an entire toolbox on mobile in a few clicks

- Equipment log table is now configurable with improved filters for increased reporting capabilities


- Ability to edit material value when adding material logs. Enable it through setting to let your users adjust to daily changing prices.

- Addition of a description field to provide more details


- At the company and project level see all reports with a new tab to see everything in the order you choose

- We launched company reports with advanced filtering options that let you export many projects on custom time ranges for

- Projects


- CO

- PO

- Submittals

- With a setting to notify the Assignee of reports we also improved our ability to assign forms. Use a field from your forms or edit it from the table.

- We pushed one step further or labelling capacity with customizable labels list that can be defined for each form.


- The Grid view was largely improved with a status filter and action buttons to facilitate the review process and starting new pay periods

- The reporting ordering got more powerful

- We re-introduce the Submit status optional under settings. Adjust to your workflow for multiple levels of approvals.

- Reports now can include a created, submitted and approved column with the user name for full control and transparency

- Our QBO integration no handles matching cost-code with service items


- We linked our permissions to the ability to manage threads and groups. Power back to admins

- We increased the length of messages. Simple but allows for longer messages at once

- You now can add photos and attachments. An image is worth a 1000 words


- You now can add videos in the photo module with all the sharing capabilities it involves and all main formats handled

- A new menu on mobile lets you add high-resolution pictures. It takes longer to load but can be useful for fine prints or photos needing high accuracy


- We added more relevant info on all pins so you can see all the important info quickly

- You now can download PDFs individually or merged. With the sharing link, giving access to drawings has never been easier.

- In the Actions menu you will find a new Export drawings logs. Get all project drawings in a CSV.

- A new mobile view was added giving the choice between list, tile and grid. The navigation experience is highly improved.


- You can now define a main title for each user. That makes it faster for users with multiple titles to set things up programmatically.

- We help you keep your Project contact list up to date. Contacts will be listed under your project contacts when added as recipients or in workflows (RFI, CO, PO, Submittals). This goes well with our activity count so you know what they are up to on each project.


- Assign multiple users at once by using the add crew to a task under the assignee

- Our Look ahead report now includes subtasks for more details on your bi-weekly and monthly views

Purchase Orders

- Our main objective was to let you set and display separate billing and shipping addresses. With settings that let you use the company, project or a custom address you can avoid errors and confused vendors.

Punch Listโ€จ

- When creating or updating punch items notify the assignee and /or the PM. With optional checkboxes that let you choose when to communicate

- To create and edit punch list fast we included the ability to import, export and re-import list of punch items


- More flexibility again with users being available as the submitter.

- Ability to upload images instead of pdf to leverage the workflow capabilities

- Improvement to workflow steps to allow skipping emails

- New notification email on the first send for the distribution list to keep everyone in the loop from the start

RFI and Change Orders

- The table got the full redesign to match all SiteMax tables that let you choose your columns and the order to display it

Under the hood

- We have taken on many optimizations. The day view and reports are first and documents and our API are next.

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