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Release Notes 2023

Since the mid-February to early April - everything new for our platforms in a nutshell

Julien Lavy avatar
Written by Julien Lavy
Updated over a week ago

February 2023

February 2023 SiteMax Product updates

New branding

Our marketing site, our web application and now our mobile application have changed to use our new branding and logo

"We have updated our identity and will be rolling it out over the next few weeks entirely. It has been five years since we last changed our identity and 2023 was time once again. We do recognize that there will always be desired changes to be made within the product and the company and that this identity change may seem superfluous, but the evolution must continue in all aspects. We have Incorporated our distinct “X” into the SiteMax word mark and represented it at the top left arm of the “X” to symbolize the action and motion of getting things done on the jobsite. Along with this change has been the incorporation of the already existing blue and yellow color scheme within the web and mobile experiences. Please note, to all of your employees who use the mobile application that the icon color and design has changed from a yellow background to a blue background. So, do look out for that upon updating."

-- James Faulkner -- CEO and Founder SiteMax


Our Timecenter has seen numerous improvements to add some of the features that our historical customers used to like.
The most used "grid view" has more powerful filters, mass actions and the ability to generate reports on the fly

Saved signature

Save time by setting your signature under your account. Once saved any signature field in SiteMax will let you insert your saved signature.
With the "copy from existing" function filling out progress, equipment and safety reports just got faster.

Forms and Form builder

To give you control over your tracking and workflows our form builder keeps being improved to let you create the professional reports and workflows that fit your needs.

  • new settings interface with filtering, general settings and default form colours

  • more powerful select functions

  • field dependency based on text and assessments

  • undo and redo functions

  • labelling display on the header

  • custom default labelling per form

  • QR form URL available for sharing

  • improved pdf preview


We improve our project export. Head to Company report to get a list of all relevant project information.

From the project team export a list of all users and/or include all the contacts on the project.
From the project contacts, export all of them in a nice-looking pdf report.

Email and Messaging

SiteMax is becoming the preferred tool for team communication. With an improved messaging interface that let you share photos and other attachment, you can communicate at the company or project level keeping ongoing threads.
You can now also email directly from SiteMax Web interface any pdf available in your system. With files being sent as links no need to worry about the size of your emails.


Set up users with a favourite title. The title set as favourite will be used by default when assigning them to projects.

We also improved managing permissions. You can now apply templates by title, restore previous permissions from history.


Our logs, filtering and reporting have greatly improved. With the ability to backdate/insert logs stay on top of your tools' location.
A new logic for rental equipment was introduced so that the tools can be "returned" under the proper companies creating logs at each movement.
Our Toolbox interface was improved to allow moving a set of tools more easily. All filters are now included in mobile.
Purchase Orders can now reference multiple tools with the PO visible under each tool.


With a more intuitive email layout for a better flow of communication, a new logic to include schedule and cost impact, and a new internal note field our interface is even more powerful. Change orders also have the report improved and with Submittal and RFI all get an improve "resend" function letting you bring back your recipients on track.

The logs allow easier reporting with improvement in every format to make overdue RFI easy to spot.

Punch List

New filters, due date, new report layout, new quick add functions... Punch items have and will get a lot of attention.
A workflow was designed for subs, with free users able to mark punch items as complete, update the resolution field and add a resolution photo.
With a new import function, duplicate to trade or quick add item adding and keeping punch items organized has never been easier.
By trade, by location, by type or by status quickly generate and send reports.


Our submittal interface has seen the most changes.
Spec upload and manual upload/update were made easier. Spec sections can also be added on the fly when creating a submittal.
The response interface now has a simplified workflow with a better interface to replace files, insert stamps and include a cover page. The layout was also changed so that, with the automated reminders, no workflow steps are being missed.

There are many more small improvements, fixes and optimizations that are being done on a weekly basis. If you have any questions about past and upcoming changes please reach out to the team.

In the plan

We are working on a new external portal called Connect. The objective is to have all subs able to view and interact with your SiteMax workflows.

We are scoping our redesign for tasks, gant-chart and project scheduling.
We are scoping our new interface for an improved Punch List and better configuration and reporting.
We are upgrading our backend technology and introducing a new pdf interface.
We are designing a dashboard notice for Company announcements

Missed our previous release note read it here

April 2023

April 2023 SiteMax Product updates: Q2 started at full speed!

SiteMax Systems April 2023 Product Updates: Q2 started at full speed!

SiteMax unveiled exciting new updates to its platform, aimed at enhancing user control and flexibility over our processes. While we improved most parts of the platform, the “Forms module" underwent significant upgrades, with new features designed to give users more control over their processes.

New Features in Forms

Perhaps the most significant improvement is the option to make all columns in the table optional. This flexibility means users can now tailor forms to their specific requirements, resulting in a more streamlined workflow. Additionally, SiteMax introduced a better naming convention for PDF files, making it easier to locate documents within the system.

Other new features include a form builder that can perform calculations and an easier way of creating selections. The form builder is also faster, making it quicker and more efficient to create new forms. Finally, SiteMax added a notification for the assignee and the ability to include labels on the PDF, enhancing visibility and collaboration between team members.

Full Relaunch

In the coming weeks, SiteMax plans to relaunch with a brand-new interface and experience, promising to give users a more user-friendly and intuitive experience. The support team will provide tutorials to ensure users can leverage the advanced functionality that SiteMax offers. With numerous automations and the ability to build customized workflows, SiteMax aims to replace any outdated paper systems.

Stay tuned for announcements and tutorials!

Company Notice Beta

SiteMax also launched a beta version of Company Notice, a new feature that lets admins create a banner that shows on the web and mobile versions of the project dashboard. Admins can publish the banner with a title and last updated date, and users can click on the banner to view the description and attachments included, making it an excellent tool for company announcements.

Contact Management Improvements

SiteMax has been continuously improving its Contact Management module. With more data available for export and re-import and the ability to merge companies, SiteMax now makes it easier to manage duplicate companies and keep individual contacts organized under the same parent company.

Punch Items Upgrades

SiteMax also upgraded its Punch Items module, launching a shortcut to quickly duplicate items on mobile devices. Users can now copy similar items or create separate trade items faster. The display of tags and the soon-to-be-added created date and days to resolve features allow for a quick glance at the items on the job site.

Equipment Module Enhancements

SiteMax's Equipment module now allows for deleting, and the permissions have been improved to ensure the right level of access for each user.

Mobile Interface Upgrade

SiteMax's new branding has made its way to its mobile interface, giving users a cohesive look and feel across all devices.

Upcoming Features: Connect and Technical Upgrades

SiteMax is working on a new portal called Connect, which will give subcontractors access to tasks, records, punch items, RFI, change orders, drawings, and everything else they need to stay on top of the work you assign them. SiteMax is also introducing a new PDF interface, which will launch with a redesigned file system management used on Company and Project Documents.

In addition to the recent product updates, SiteMax has more great news to share. The company, thanks to you, received several awards in the Spring 2023 Report by G2, including recognition in the Jobsite Management, Construction Project Management, Construction Drawing Management, and Punch List Software categories. This achievement would not have been possible without your engagement and commitment to making a product that everyone can use on the job site.

At SiteMax, we work with builders and build for builders. Your feedback is extremely valuable to us, and we always strive to improve our product to make YOUR work easier, faster, or less costly.

March - April 2023

Welcome to the latest release of SiteMax!

Here are several fixes and improvements that we worked on to give you a better experience. Let's dive into the details:

📣 New feature/Improvements🚀


  • Modified the "Drawing Navigation" feature to create a loop in the navigation when using the "Jump to Sheet" function and reaching the last page.

  • Reminders for records are now only sent to users with "Record (self) - view" or "Records - view" permissions.

  • Added the ability to title URL pins in drawings, allowing users to modify the title of URL pins in the system.


  • Enabled adjustments to the width and number of photos displayed per row in the attachment cells of the Form Builder through the photo upload component.

  • Enhanced the form by displaying more information about the form modifier, including their name, and added an event log to track form-related events such as creation, labeling, locking, modification, and assignment.

  • Added functionality to set a default value for radio buttons in the Form Builder. The default value automatically fills based on available options, and an option to select a default option is available during editing.


  • Revised mobile Drawings to follow the revision sequence based on the issuance date.

  • Added a new line labeled "Profit % Calculations" with options for "Lump Sum Only" or "Lump Sum and Overhead" under the "Profit %" section.

  • Updated sorting options for trades, punch items, and due dates in the Materials, Tools, Punchlist, and Drawing filters.


  • Activated the next line in the workflow upon resending, without activating the previously activated line.

  • Added a new logo to the footer.

  • Revised submittals without creating new ones by using a .1 sequence for each revision action. If there is no active submit response, a new submit line is inserted in the workflow after the last response provided.

  • Included response Action in PDF.

  • Improved Project CSV export functionality by refining field selection, adding response line items below each submittal, renaming headers, and including additional information such as response titles, WF users, types, response activated date, WF due date, and response dates.

  • Added a PDF viewing feature to the submittal table, with a shortcut or link to open the main submittal PDF in a new tab. The submittal table now includes an optional "pdf" column.


  • Users in Time Cards are now displayed in alphabetical order for easier navigation and organization. Color-coded status indicators have been implemented to provide a clear indication of each user's check-in status.

  • Added the ability to define the week start date for time calculations, allowing users to calculate time entries accurately.

  • Created a mobile interface for managing pay periods in the Timecenter view. The interface includes permissions for actions such as approving/undoing time entries, deleting time entries, submitting/undoing time entries, adding time, multiple check-in/check-out, multiple manual entries, multiple equipment time, and adding/moving equipment to a project.

🛠️ Fixes🛠️

Day View

  • Updated the Day View on the mobile app. Previously, all users who checked in were shown with a "checked-in" icon, irrespective of the project they were checked into. This has been rectified, and now the check-in icon is displayed only for users who are checked into the specific project on that day.

Punch List Workflow

  • Fixed the issue in the assignee field of the Punch List workflow, where external users could be selected even though they didn't have access to the Punch List. It now only displays internal users in the assignee list.


  • Fixed the issue of submittals with the same numbers occurring multiple times. Each submittal now has a unique number.

  • Addressed the problem with the "Forward" option and selecting "before me". The line is now inserted before the current responder in the workflow, and the response page is closed.

  • Resolved an issue where a revised submittal PDF displayed the name of the previous submittal instead of the current one.

  • The select component was not appearing in PDFs. This issue has been resolved, and now all selected names are properly displayed in the PDF.

  • The form now automatically saves the field dependency when clicking the X button.

  • The system now correctly displays the last drawing when rapidly switching between drawings with multiple revisions using the jump sheet function.

and we continue developing and improving of our new file management and sharing system.

As always, we appreciate your feedback and encourage you to share feedback you may have. Stay tuned for more updates and exciting features in future releases!

May 2023

We are excited to announce our latest product updates, which will enhance your experience and streamline your processes. Our updates include new features for Web, and Mobile, as well as upcoming features that improve our offering. Let's dive into the highlights!

Highlights of May 2023 Product Updates

Introducing our latest time-tracking enhancement! You can now view a new pay period summary per employee, which enables you to easily check your time or an individual's time for an entire pay period across projects. To make things even simpler, you can also approve time for an entire pay period for an employee in just a few clicks.

Access the new pay period view per employee by clicking on the user's name from Timecenter and see a summary of their time for a specific pay period. You can also approve time for an entire pay period for an employee. Full updates and tutorials will be available soon.


Enjoy greater clarity and visibility with Submittals response statuses that are shown everywhere with our submittal feature. Stay up-to-date with live updates to the workflow and keep track of the history of workflow changes.

Team management has never been easier with our new "assign all on-deck projects" feature. Assign users to multiple projects with just one click, saving you time and effort.

Purchase Order reporting is now more convenient with our new reporting options, allowing you to choose between an itemized or cost-code report. Additionally, you can easily add relevant documents to your purchase orders with our simpler attachment drag-and-drop feature.

Customizable columns have been added to our Equipment/Materials feature, providing you with more information about materials. You can also edit multiple pieces of equipment at once and assign them different statuses.

We've given our Form Builder feature a major upgrade! You can now enjoy enhanced form visibility, equipment pre-filling, customizable column widths, and math calculations. Get excited for the full update and upcoming tutorials, where we'll show you all the new capabilities and how to make the most of them! Stay tuned!


With our expanded filters for Drawings, Punchlist, Materials, and Equipment on our mobile app, you can easily sort and find the information you need while on the go.

Web and Mobile

Our RFI (Request for Information) feature now includes an improved photo selection feature, allowing you to upload project-specific images directly from the web or mobile app. Our upgraded RFI system streamlines communication and keeps you organized.

Improved Reminder Notifications for Records on Web and Mobile. Stay on top of important dates and deadlines with our updated reminder notifications for Records. Never miss a deadline again!

Upcoming features

We're thrilled to announce that SiteMax Systems has some exciting updates in the work!

  • Connect Portal: Share with ease outside your company!

  • File Management: More intuitive than ever before!

  • PDF Technology: Revamped for better viewing of drawings!

  • Task and Punch List Interface: Improved user experience for better productivity!

With these latest updates and upcoming features, SiteMax Systems continues to provide efficient and user-friendly project management solutions for businesses of all sizes. Stay tuned for further updates and tutorials!

📣 New Features 📣

  • Contacts: Added the email column for the contacts section.

  • Equipment: The Equipment time Grid view now has a search function.

  • Materials: Added a customization icon for columns in the "Materials" section of a project, similar to customizable columns in the "Equipment" section.

  • Photos: Added a filter function to photos, allowing users to filter by date range (for assigned date), collection, and creator.

  • Submittals: Added an export feature based on screen ordering.

  • Time: Added the ability to change the material log date within the material log window. Users with the "Manage Material" permission are able to perform this.

🚀 Improvements 🚀

  • Email (tier): Fixed the unintended behavior of sending an email instead of navigating to the next field or doing nothing when the Enter key is pressed after selecting a recipient in the Email (tier).

  • Form: Improved the dev forms for Hopewell Development, Dig It Contracting LTD, Bauer Drill Rig Inspection, and New Pacific Apex.

  • Punch List: Improved permissions for Punch items with view-only access, ensuring consistent access levels as the 'Tier Permissions' for users with view-only permissions in the old permissions system.

  • Reports: Reports are now arranged alphabetically, ensuring consistency for every user.

  • Submittal:

    • Each submittal is now assigned a unique number, preventing duplicate numbers.

      Improved the clarity and visual separation of responses to make them easier to understand.

    • RFI: Fixed the display for the file upload section in RFI, making it large enough to show the file upload option without scrolling.

  • Time:

    • Made the "Start rule on" field required, ensuring that it must be filled in when setting up the rule.

    • Only users who have recorded time within the specified date range are displayed when the "users with time" filter is selected. Additionally, when the "all time tracking users" option is chosen, only users who have either recorded time or have time tracking enabled are shown in the grid view.

    • Included filters directly into time reports.

  • Time Report: Replaced the checkbox with separate options for applying time calculation and showing financial columns.

🛠️Fixes 🛠️

  • CSV Export: Fixed the issue where exporting a summary CSV resulted in a "500 Internal Server Error."

  • Equipment: Fixed the issue where adding an entry from the "Equipment" tab didn't provide an option for the "User" field, which is required.

  • Daily Timesheet: Fixed the issue where entered hours were not displayed and caused delays in client approval.

  • Lite Users: Fixed the issue where Lite users could have "unlock" form permissions and remain Lite users. Now, users are upgraded to full users. If no more seats are available, an error message pops up.

  • Material Form: Fixed the issue where selecting a dropdown option didn't trigger any action.

  • Permission: Addressed various bugs related to permission settings in the web application, including bugs in Change Orders, Messages, Photos, Project Files, Tasks, Submittals, Purchase Orders, Projects, RFIs, Form Settings, and Forms.

  • Notice Board: Prevented an equipment form from being attached.

  • Pre-fill Functionality: Fixed the problem with the prefill functionality for the "Equipment" field not being saved correctly. Now, it saves correctly with the value of "External code" after the form is saved.

June 2023

📣 New Features 📣

  • Equipment Time on Mobile:

    • The Time Center on mobile now includes equipment time.

    • Projects can be clicked to open the Project Timecard Equipment, showing the total hours per project.

  • Enhanced Mobile Bell Feature

    • The Mobile Bell feature has been improved to provide more detailed notifications such as the record type, record reminder, and relevant information about users, contacts, companies, and tools.

  • Added a feature to allow users with "edit ✎" permission to add people to projects on mobile.

  • Drawings - The "All Items" section in Drawings has been enhanced. It now defaults to sorting by "type" when a user opens the legend, while still allowing them to filter items based on their preferences. This change provides a more organized and intuitive user experience.

  • Forms - Labels can now be created from form data in the Forms feature. This improves the process of generating labels and overall usability.

  • Time Reports - When there is a "0" time entry due to a missing checkout, the "ABS" note will no longer be displayed when exporting time reports.

  • Submittals - The order of items when exported from submittals has been improved. It is now based on the "submittal number" column, which reflects the screen ordering.

  • Improved Legend of Drawings with Pins - The Legend of Drawings with Pins now has a consistent order by color and alphabetically.

With this improvement, users will have a better user experience and will find it simpler to understand the information the pins are conveying.

2. Enhanced User Creation - When creating users, the system now recognizes if the email or number already exists. A notification will be displayed, preventing the creation of duplicate information.

  • User Notifications for Project Additions - When a user is added to a project, notifications will be received through email, web, and mobile app notifications to keep users informed.

  • Enhanced History View and Form Distribution - You now have the ability from the Form settings to include the actual pdf with your email distribution.

  • Channel Deletion in Messages - Users now have the ability to delete channels (group messages) in the Messages section to get control over conversations, which allows for better organization and management of messages.

  • Restorify Improvements - Added an External Links tab to the Project Settings in Restorify and users can now set external links, which will appear in the Project Day view.

  • Submitter Column in Submittals Table View - A "Submitter" column has been added to the table view of the "Submittals" section to quickly identify the submitter of each submittal.

🛠️ Fixes 🛠️

  • Fixed mark-up tools that were not showing up on mobile.

  • Cosmetic improvements made on the notice board views on mobile, such as adding attachment icons.

  • Reports are automatically saved when there is no response for 45s.

  • "Select Version" is now hidden when there is only one version of drawing.

  • Enhanced readability of the RFI question field on mobile

  • Added cost codes to offline sync on mobile.

  • Sorted versions of drawings with the latest version on top

  • When filling out a Company Report on mobile, the report no longer auto assigns a project based on the last opened project within the app.

  • Updated text and color in mobile

  • Addressed inconsistencies with old permissions

    • On Old permissions, a user with Edit permissions can now create a form by clicking "+Add" and also from the menu, reports, "Create form".

    • The same is true with equipment. Users can now create forms in both locations.

  • The "Create new RFI" option is no longer greyed out in the RFI module menu, allowing users with view permission to create a draft RFI.

  • Time, Submission Reports, and Export: Users can now expect more reliable and accurate data when working with time entries, submission reports, and exports as we have fixed the issue.

  • Forms: To ensure Several issues with Forms have been resolved, including the problem of not receiving email notifications and encountering error messages such as "Oops, unknown error" and "You don't have permission to perform this action."

  • Restorify Lite Reports Visibility - Improved the visibility of Restorify Lite reports.

  • Fixed Photos "Filter by Creator" Functionality - The functionality of filtering photos by creator has been fixed.

  • Fixed Export Option for Time and Equipment

July 2023

📣 New Features and Improvements 📣

Improved form QR workflow

Now, if someone provides a new phone number and gets it created on the fly, if their email already exists in SiteMax, they will be able to trigger a confirmation on their email to update their existing profile with the missing/new phone number.

Enhanced Task Notification Workflow

We have introduced a streamlined task assignment process in SiteMax. When assigning a task, a convenient pop-up notification allows you to choose whether you want to notify the assignee. You can opt for an email notification or a bell notification within the platform. Also, when making changes to an existing task, a pop-up page will prompt you to decide whether the person should be notified again or not.

Improved Submittals

Now, whenever you modify the filter settings in Submittals, exported files (e.g., CSV, PDF) will follow the order based on the screen ordering/filter. This enhancement simplifies the document management process and ensures consistent file organization.

Change Order and RFI ‘View’ Permission

With the RFI and CO View Permission (Tier), users with "view" permission can not only view and export COs but also create drafts, edit existing drafts, and add responses to RFIs and COs if they are the creator or in the recipient list. This feature is especially beneficial for collaborators with limited permission, allowing them to contribute effectively to the CO process, and is now available on mobile as well.

Improved Spec Books Issue Recognition

To enhance the overall customer experience, we have added a error message in the Project Settings' Specifications section. This message appears when a document is not recognizable.

Streamlined User Creation

When creating users in SiteMax, the system now recognizes if the provided email or phone number already exists. A notification will be displayed, preventing the creation of duplicate user information and eliminating redundancy. With the option to convert external contacts to users and merging company managing people is even easier. The company is also visible to users, so you can easily include your partners in your workflows.

Enhanced Drawings’ Pins Management

In drawings, the color of punch items now corresponds to their status when completed and closed, providing visual clues for easy identification.

For all SiteMax custom pins, you can now define the thumbnail area. If you want to show a specific part of the drawing on the related pin, you now have the choice of what is included.

Improved Form Project Visibility

There’s now the ability to hide forms on specific projects where they are not required.

This gives you the flexibility to adjust the reports to be filled out by your team based on the project you take on.

Refined Punch List Division Field

In the punch list section, the divisions field will now display only the specific divisions available for the project.

Enhanced Time Centre Exports

We have made improvements to the exported files in Time Centre. The exported files now include a summary of the applied filters (if you choose to in your report settings), conveniently located in the top column as a header.

We simplified the ordering of our grid export to only be in alphabetical order.

🛠️ Fixes 🛠️

Time Center (Tier permissions)

Adjusted permissions for workers and managers using mobile.

Punch List Import

Ability to set priority in the file import process.

Export/Reimport of the same file for Users, Contacts/Vendors/Clients, Projects, and Materials (from Company Settings)

We have resolved the issue related to exporting and reimporting the same file for various entities such as Users, Contacts/Vendors/Clients, Projects, and Materials.

Scan QR (Forms) - External Users and Company Association

External users are now associated again with the company they select or specify as they Scan Forms QR for the first time.

Mobile Version 4.5.2

New Features 📣

Hide Feature for Forms

Users with the correct permission can now hide Site and Safety forms in a specific project. This allows admins to remove forms from special projects without having to change users' permissions.

For instance, if you wish to hide the "Daily Site Report" form in a particular project while keeping it visible in other projects, access the project settings module tab, locate the desired form under the form section, and click the (…) at the end of the line to hide it.

New Company Reports Filter

We have introduced a new filter option, "Filter by Context," for all forms in the company reports on mobile. To access this filter, go to the company reports page, click on the "All Forms" tab, and then click on the filter icon. In the filter options, you will find the "Choose Context" field. From there, you can select equipment reports, site reports, safety reports, or company reports.

Purchase Order and Credit notes

Users can now enter a negative value in the quantity field of Purchase Orders on mobile. This feature enables users to manage refunds using negative quantity. This allows for a negative amount, or "credit,” on overpaid items.

For example, if a user paid for 5 items but only received 3 items, they can now create a credit note with a quantity of -2 to offset the original quantity of 5 back to 3 while keeping a record of the initial quantity and value ordered.

Fixes 🛠️

Overnight Time Entry

Users can now create overnight manual entries. This allows workers to log entries for extended hours of work that extend into the following day. When using this feature, the system will display two time entries broken down at 12:00 a.m.

Web Version v3.8.96

New Features 📣

Improved Photo Upload

We've enhanced our photo upload functionality! Now, all users can enjoy high-definition quality for uploaded photos, providing a clearer and more detailed view of images.

Enhanced Project Export Summary

To provide you with a more comprehensive report, we have added new columns to the project export summary. The Field Manager and Office Manager columns are now included, offering valuable insights and detailed information for better project management.

Convert External Contacts to Users Reminder

Clicking on "Convert External Contacts to Users" now includes a helpful note to guide and remind you of the outcomes of this action.

Company and Phone Columns on Users Page

To provide a better overview and improve user management, we have added Company and Phone columns to the Users page.

Company Filter for Users

Now, you can easily filter and organize users based on their respective companies.

Phone EXT Column in "Sample CSV File" for Contacts

When importing or editing your contacts, we've added a new "Phone EXT" column to the "Sample CSV file." This addition simplifies the process of including and customizing phone extension information, saving you time and effort.

Fixes 🛠️

Company Merge Phone Required Error

We addressed an issue where a user encountered difficulties merging companies due to a "phone required" error message. The problem has been fixed, and the company merging process now works smoothly without any impediments.

July 14 - 20, 2023

Web v3.8.97

🚀 Highlight 🚀

We're thrilled to introduce the newest addition to SiteMax - PDFTron!

SiteMax now has its own PDF viewer. With zoom, rotation, and search capabilities! With PDFTron on board, you’ll have more power at your fingertips when it comes to reviewing files. Say goodbye to limitations and hello to better PDF handling!

What does it mean?

When you click on a PDF form, it will open in a new viewer. If you need to open the file in another tab, the old way is to just Ctrl + click on the pdf icon.

Our forms on the web are just the beginning. We’ll soon enable mobile and be able to offer more markup options, including comments, making documentation even more interactive and collaborative. 💪😊

📣 New Feature 📣

  1. Form Builder

    Now you can define borders for the “Column Layout” component in the Form Builder.

  2. Improved Tier Permissions

    To enhance project data protection, we've updated tier permissions. Only users with edit permission for Projects and Projects (assigned) can add contacts to projects.

  3. Notifications Enhancement

    Never miss an update! We added an option to your form settings to send notifications to assigned users through push notifications on the mobile app, in addition to the existing email notifications. Manage it by going to settings from the dashboard, selecting the “Modules” tab, clicking on “Form Settings” for the desired form, and finding “Send notifications to the assigned user”.

    Use our built in function to assign the form based on a selection of users within your form to make the most of this feature.

  4. Purchase Order - Material Selection and Cost Codes

    In the PO settings, you could enable material selection. This function was extended for Rental POs and also improved for default cost codes.

    To enable it, go to Company Settings > Modules > PO tab > Material Selection. Item, unit price, unit of measure, and cost code will be inherited from the material selected. This function is also fully available on mobile now.

  5. Submittals - Improved PDF Export Ordering

    Exporting Submittals to PDF is now more organized. The ordering in the PDF matches the screen ordering. Define the order you want by clicking the columns on your screen, and generate a report that matches the same ordering. We've also revamped the columns, removing the package and cost-code columns while adding the response status column.

  6. Site and Safety Report - Search Bar Renamed

    To avoid confusion, we've renamed the search bar in Safety and Site Reports to 'Label Search.' Now it's clear what is being searched. Remember to use our filter function to narrow down your search.

  7. Team History Icon

    A new history icon is now available for your projects. Track users added and removed from the project easily by going to the settings of a project and selecting the “Team” tab.

  8. Time Reports - Enhanced Sorting

    Time Reports from the grid view are now displayed as Last Name, First Name, providing better organization compared to the previous First Name, Last Name format.

🛠️ Fixes🛠️

  1. Exporting Projects

    We've resolved the issue with the project number being truncated in the exported file. Your project numbers will now display accurately.

  2. Materials History Log - Detailed User Information

    The history log page for each material has been fixed to display the details of the users who made changes to it.

July 21 - 27, 2023

Mobile v4.5.5 🚀

🛠️ Fixes 🛠️

Company-Level Task

We have resolved the issue where the "+Create Task" option in Tasks was grayed out and could not be selected in the menu. Additionally, to improve the user experience, we removed the "Rename Task List" and "Delete Task List" options from that menu, as these actions can only be done in the project where the lists are set.


Previously, some users were able to view the message module even without any permissions. We have changed the behavior, ensuring that users will only see messages in their menu if they have the necessary permissions.

The permissions have been improved as follows:

  • Users with "view" permission can receive messages.

  • Users with "create" permission can reply to messages.

  • Users with "edit" permission can edit messages.

  • Users with "manage" permission have the ability to add and remove people from threads.

We also fixed the problem where users had to refresh their app every time to view new messages. Now, new messages will be displayed promptly, showing the bubble count, without requiring manual refreshing.

Purchase Order

We have addressed an issue that caused Purchase Orders (POs) to appear blank when uploading large attachments on iPads. With this fix, POs will now display all relevant information correctly, even with sizable attachments.

Additionally, we have resolved the problem where the cost code field was automatically removed on mobile. We made sure only relevant cost-codes were shown. All assigned cost codes in the project and those removed will now be visible and retained as intended.

Time Center and Timecards

Fixed the issue wherein users could see other users in Time Center and Timecards even without the correct permissions.

July 28 - August 03, 2023

Web v3.8.98

📣 New Features 📣

Drawing Notifications

Office managers, responsible for overseeing various aspects, can now quickly access important information. Whenever a pin is added to a drawing, they will receive detailed notifications, facilitating better project management and coordination.

Here's how to set a user as the Office Manager:


To ensure data integrity, when a form is included on the Notice Board and a user attempts to change its visibility from "Site or Safety" to "Company or Equipment," the system will prevent the change. A validation message will be displayed, listing all projects with conflicting notices and providing links for easy review and resolution.

Geofence Icon

In Time Center, the Geofence icon (also known as the earth icon) now represents Check-in and Checkout actions more intuitively. Before, it showed two geofence icons by default. Now, If a user is currently checked-in, only one geofence icon will be displayed until they check out. This icon is useful to quickly show if they checked in and out within or outside a geofence.

Material Log Date Change

Users with "Edit" permission can now modify the log date in project materials and this can be visible only when enabled in material settings (Dashboard > Settings > Modules > Materials).

RFI Drawing Reference

Referencing drawings in RFI has been made more convenient. A new link button shortcut has been added to quickly view the referenced drawing. Additionally, clicking "View PDF" in RFI will now generate not only the RFI information but also the referenced drawing.

Timecards Permission Improvement

We have enhanced time cards to be permission-based. Users will now only be able to see the time entries of other users if they have the necessary permissions.

Project-based Contacts Module

The buttons in the project contacts module have been optimized for a better user experience. They are now positioned side-by-side, and the '+Add Contact' button has been renamed to '+Create Contact' for clarity.

Purchase Order Enhancements

We have improved the Purchase Order (PO) module by enabling negative values for "QTY" and disabling negative values for "Unit Price." Existing POs with negative Unit Prices have been automatically adjusted to have a positive Unit Price and a negative quantity.

To illustrate, consider the following example:

Item: Wood Planks

Unit Price: $100

QTY: 10 (at $10 each)

If you need to handle a return or adjustment for a single wood plank, instead of using a negative value in the "Unit Price" field, you would have to create a new line item with a negative QTY of 1 for the wood plank. This approach is a good way to accurately capture the change in your Purchase Order.

🛠️ Fixes 🛠️

Change Order

An issue with the lump sum total rounding up decimal points has been fixed. The system now accurately displays the exact value with just the second decimal place rounding up.

Change Order Export

Previously, exporting multiple Change Orders in a project resulted in exporting all COs from all projects. This issue has been fixed, and now only the selected COs from the specific project will be exported.

Drawings Notifications

An issue with external users not receiving email notifications despite being added to the recipient list has been resolved. External users will now receive the necessary email notifications when added to the recipient list.

Dayview Report

A problem with the Dayview Report generation, where it included all POs from all projects, has been fixed. The report will now only include POs associated with the specific project.

Time Center and Timecards Date Range

An issue that restricted users from selecting a date range longer than two weeks in various tabs (People, Equipment, Material, and Reports) has been resolved. However, for "Export" in grid view, the date range is defaulted to a maximum of 2 weeks to maintain proper formatting.

August 2023

Mobile 4.5.6

📣 Improvements and New Features 📣

Enhancements to the Team and Contact Module

In our commitment to enhancing the user experience, we've introduced significant improvements to the Team and Contact sections to match the structure of our Team page in Web

1. Team:

  • Simplified the user view by replacing internal and external tabs with the "Users" tab.

  • Enhanced clarity by renaming the "Company" tab to the more descriptive "Companies" tab.

2. Contacts:

  • Added new tabs - "Contacts," "Companies," and "Records" - simplifying access to important information.

  • Added an "External - Yes/No" filter in the "Contacts" tab to replace the external user tab.

  • Added the ability to open email, messaging or phone for any contact or company with a valid email or phone number

  • Added contact records in their own tab

Clearer Material Management

To prevent any confusion, we have renamed the "Add Material" option as "Add Material Log" in the Materials section.

Color-Coded Status Icon for Equipment

To quickly understand the equipment status, we've added the color-coded status icons for equipment to the mobile list. Users can now easily identify equipment conditions such as Excellent, Good, Fair, Poor, Damaged, Missing, or Out-of-Service.

Optimized Time Center Experience

Improved mobile navigation and views of Time Center for easy navigation and understanding.

  • Improved mobile navigation and views: view all pay period entries from time center by project and now by user daily project entries The new views are designed to make it easier to review and approve time holistically based on your workflow.

  • Simplified user flow and refined number wording (e.g., 1st, 2nd, and 3rd).

  • Enhanced display of time entries for greater clarity and to match your workflow (time-type, cost-code, work-type or classification, depending what you are using)

Menu Access Enhancement

To minimize confusion and errors, the menu can now be accessed solely through the designated "☰" button. This change removes the ability to open through sliding left and prevents unintended menu openings, leading to a smoother navigation experience.

Enhanced Timecard Permissions

We've Improved timecard permissions for mobile users. Those users with only Timecard - “view (eye)” permissions will no longer be able to view other users (and see time as “0”), reinforcing data privacy.

🛠️ Bug Fixes 🛠️

Smooth PDF Scrolling

Resolved the scrolling issue with PDF attachments on Project Notice Boards (for Pixel Android mobile users only) . PDFs can now be scrolled smoothly.

Punch Item Duplication Fix

Addressed the problem of duplicated Punch Items arising from overclicking the "Duplicate" button. The issue has been resolved, preventing unwanted duplications.

The product team is working on further enhancements to improve behavior before the major redesign planned for 2024.

Submittals "More ..." Button Fix

Fixed the non-functional "More ..." button in Submittals for mobile and tablet users. The fix ensures that clicking the button will display the associated actions as intended.

Form Creation Authorization Fix

Fixed an issue where users without the Form - "+ Create" permissions were able to select the "Submit" button, leading to unintended form creation. The fix ensures that only users with the correct permissions can create forms.

Web v3.8.99

📣 Enhancements and New Features 📣

Equipment Records Page Clarity

We've improved the maintenance tab on equipment to provide clearer wording and an improved date format. These changes are aimed at preventing any potential misunderstandings and enhancing clarity.

Images in Company Notices

Communication is now more dynamic with the ability to include images directly within the editor for company notices.

Project Map Pin Color Synchronization

Locating your project on the map is now easier. We've synchronized project colors with map pin locations, making the map more intuitive to use. You can customize the project pin color to match your preferences by navigating to a project, selecting Project Settings, and finding the "Calendar Color" option. This option, also used to define the color of a project from the calendar view, will be renamed shortly.

Attachments for Power Modules

To help simplify information sharing, we've added the option to upload "Project documents" when adding attachments to your RFIs, Change Orders (COs), and Submittals. Documents already stored in SiteMax can be easily included.

Message Permissions Logic

We’ve improved the logical behavior when permissions for messages are removed. In cases where users were already added to threads, this update disables direct messages for the affected users, ensuring clarity of who is currently included in the thread.

Task Creation Clarity Improvement

To eliminate any confusion in To-Do task creation, we've updated the label from 'Start Date' to 'Due Date' for milestone/due date tasks No change to our scheduled tasks (created from a scheduled list: with a start and end date) or the calendar view.

Improved PDF Handling for Keyboard Shortcuts

We've included shortcuts to open multiple PDF files using the keyboard. Now, using Ctrl + click (for Windows) or cmd + click (for Mac) to open a PDF file in a new tab works seamlessly, allowing users to efficiently review multiple files simultaneously.

Ctrl + click (for Windows)

cmd + click (for Mac)

🛠️ Bug Fixes🛠️

RFI Closure Issue for Edit Permissions

We have resolved the issue where users with RFI - Edit permissions (pen icon) encountered difficulty closing RFIs.

Cost code Disappearance Issue

In response to user feedback, we've fixed the problem where cost codes were disappearing upon saving, when removed from the project or deleted, causing confusion. Moving forward, cost codes will be consistently retained, providing a reliable and hassle-free experience.

Time Entry with an Equipment Issue

Fixed the issue that when a user had only view permissions for “Timecards” and “Timecenter”, they would encounter an error when logging time for themselves with a piece of equipment. It would result in them creating the user time and the equipment time but not linking those time entries. It would give them the error “Object not found”.

Thank you for choosing SiteMax! We're committed to continuous improvement. As always, your feedback is invaluable to us. If you encounter any issues or have suggestions, please reach out to our support team at

September 2023

Web v3.8.101

📣 New Features and Improvements 📣

1. Reports

We've added tooltips to provide more context when adjusting permissions for each site, safety, and equipment report.

2. User Phone Copy

Now you can easily copy a user's phone number by clicking on it in the "Users" tab from the People module.

3. Adding Equipment to Projects

We added a 'Add to Project' button next to the "Add Equipment" button in the Equipment module, making it more intuitive to move equipment to a project and create a log.

4. Improved Wording in Permissions:

Refined the tooltip language in the "Projects & Projects (assigned)" permission, adding clarity with the inclusion of "Crews".

Projects Permission:

Projects (assigned) Permission:

5. Creating Site and Safety Reports:

  • Users can quickly generate Site and Safety Reports on the web. Simply scroll to the bottom of a project’s “Day view”.

  • To prevent confusion, we've restricted this feature to users with the correct permissions. Users with only 'View' permissions won't see the '+' button designed to create Site/Safety Reports from the Day View.

6. Form Builder - "Select" options sorting:

In the Form Builder, under the Select component > Select options, we've added the ability to order or re-order all options.

This allows you to organize items alphabetically (ascending or descending) or arrange them according to your preference, making it easier to handle additions.

7. Permissions Template Enhancements:

We've added a "Tier" column in the permissions template. This helps users identify whether the permission template is for "User (full user)", "Lite User", or "Collaborator (Free User)". It clearly indicates what template will result in a paid or free seat when applied to users. Next will be color-coding for each permission.

8. Statuses for Forms:

Previously, users used "Labels" as the main visual indicator for forms progress. Now, we've introduced "Status". Use "Status" to track the workflow of your form, and reserve "Labels" for other useful information to highlight. Enable and create statuses for your forms under Form Settings in the Company Settings.

Stay tuned, as we will enable a form field or a submit button to set the new status value, allowing you to create advanced workflows.

9. Improved Cost Code Filtering in Time Reports:

Previously, you couldn't filter for "Unique Cost Codes" created for a specific project. Now, you can filter all cost codes, including the unique ones. (What is a Unique Cost Codes?)

10. Enhanced PDF File Naming:

When you create a report and click "Save & Email," it will now generate a PDF with a more organized file name. For example, "Mechanical Inspection Report - 2023-03-30.pdf" instead of a random combination of letters and numbers.

11. Project Color Synchronization:

We recently introduced a feature where map pin locations on the project map view will match the project color. To make it easier to find, we've changed the term "Calendar Settings" to "Project Color (Calendar and Map)" as it defines the color of the project in both views.



12. Equipment Permissions Enhancement:

Even users with "View" only permission can now scan equipment to easily identify an equipment and complete a report.

Mobile 4.5.8

  1. Smoother Offline Document Access:

    We've enhanced the process of synchronizing documents for offline use. Now, when you click on a document that has already been downloaded to your device, it will open seamlessly.

  2. Enhanced Task Module Interface:

    We enhanced the user’s interface in the Task module. Previously, it looked clunky. Now, we've refined it by incorporating spaces and separations, giving it a neater and more organized appearance.

  3. Clearer wording for "Offline Sync":

    "Offline Sync" is now "Form Offline Sync" for better clarity.

  4. Offline Form Prompt:

    When you make a form without an internet connection, a message will pop up to let you know it is saved in the 'offline reports queue'. When you're back online, there will be an icon showing if there's a form ready to be uploaded from the queue.

  5. Improved Time Entry Management:

    Icons representing check-in, check-out, approved, and processed have been relocated from the dates section to the time entry page for specific dates. This change helps users have a better visual with multiple time entries for various projects, particularly on busy days.

Additionally, we've implemented Geofence Icons for consistency with the Web:

  • Check-in within Geo-fence: One icon displayed.

  • Check-in/out within Geo-fence: Two icons displayed.

  • Check-in/out outside of Geo-fence: Two gray icons displayed.

  • Check-in/out both inside and outside Geo-fence: One gray icon and one green icon displayed.

6. Intuitive Time Entry Search:

We've added a search bar (for names) and filters (for names or tags) to simplify the process of finding time entries for a selected period within the TimeCenter.

🛠️ Bug Fixes 🛠️

Web v3.8.101

1. Equipment Reminder Notification:

Previously, when selecting the "Is rental Item?" option in the equipment detail page and setting a return notification for a specific user, no reminders were being sent (via push, bell, or email notification) on both the Web mobilebile platforms. This issue has now been rectified. Users will receive a reminder at the specified date and time.

2. Conversation Status for Users:

Users were recently experiencing an issue where they could see "Disabled" status in all conversations for users on old permissions. This issue has been resolved. Users with the correct permissions can now freely exchange messages, while those without the permissions will see the "Disabled" label.



3. Submittal Number Duplication:

In the Submittal module, an issue happened where newly created submittals were receiving repeated submittal numbers without the system recognizing them as duplicates. We have fixed this issue, and submittals will now be numbered correctly.

4. CSV File Delivery in Records:

Users were encountering an issue in the Dashboard> Team > Records section where they were not receiving CSV files via email for contacts records, despite it being logged as "sent" in the events log. This issue has been resolved, and users will now receive the files as expected.

5. Overtime Rules in Time Configuration:

In Dashboard>Company setting > Module > Time > Time configuration > Overtime Rules, an error occurred when checking the "default" checkbox and saving it. This caused the time rules to disappear and resulted in an unexpected error. This issue has been addressed and rectified.

6. Exporting Custom Time Report:

A customer reported an issue with the custom time report in the "Time Center", where it wasn't exporting correctly when filtered. Previously, it would export all data, even when filtered. This has been corrected. Now, when filtering a custom time report, it will only export the filtered data, not all the data.

Mobile 4.5.8

1. Punch Item Value Display:

We've resolved the problem where the Punch item value wasn't displaying on the web after being added from a mobile device. While the value could be seen on mobile and in reports, it wasn't appearing on the web interface. Now, the value field will show up properly on the web once it's been updated.

2. Dashboard Tag Section Duplication:

We've addressed an issue where performing various tasks like checking in, checking out, uploading photos, etc. could lead to duplicated tag sections in the filters on the company dashboard.

3. Subtask Creation Fix:

Resolved the problem on mobile devices where, despite having the "create" permission, users were only able to create tasks and not subtasks. Now, you can create both tasks and subtasks as expected.

October 2023

📣 New Features and Improvements 📣

A. Company and Project Settings

Improved Project and Company Settings

SiteMax is adding more configuration and control over the key data to keep projects organized. We recently added divisions and are now giving your more control over locations. Phases and other critical lists will be added in the future.

To keep the menus organized we've made some helpful changes to the way you manage your projects and company settings. Here's what's new (Click the arrow to expand):

1. Company Setting

We've organized things to make it easier for you. Before, you had tabs like "Company Info", "Cost Codes", "Titles", and more. Now, it's simpler: "Company Info", "Lists", "Modules", "Safety Program", and "Integrations". Don't worry about the other options – we've gathered them under the "Lists" tab.

Lists Tab:

In this new section, you'll find "Cost Codes", "Divisions", "Tags", "Titles", and "Import/Export".

Modules Tab:

We've added settings for "Siteflow" and "Punch List" here. This change makes it simpler to access and manage these features.

2. Project Settings

We've reorganized the tabs for projects settings too. Previously, it was "Info", "Team", "Day View", and more. Now, it's "Info", "Team", "Day View", "Lists", "Specifications", and "Modules". The "Divisions" tab is now under "Lists", along with "Cost Codes" and "Locations".

Lists Tab:

In this new section, you'll find "Cost Codes", "Divisions", "Specifications", and a new addition, "Locations".

Here, you can easily manage locations for Submittals, Punch Items, RFIs, and Change Orders. It's neatly laid out in a table format, making it clear which locations are enabled for each module.

B. Forms and Form Settings

We've made some exciting updates to improve your form-building experience (Click the arrow to expand):

1. Signature Timestamp

You can now include a date and time stamp in the "Signature" component of the Form Builder. This timestamp will show exactly when the form was signed.

2. “Textarea” Enhancement

The "Textarea" component now adjusts automatically for large amounts of text, ensuring better readability and removing the need to scroll within the field.

3. Enhanced Form Status Feature

We've upgraded the "Status" feature in Forms. You can now automatically set the status as a form gets completed. Customize it with standard text or link it to a specific component. When that component is filled out, it will be set as the form status. Follow these steps:

a. Find the data ID of the component you want in the "Status".

b. Go to the "Form Settings" of a form.

c. Paste the Data ID into the "Status" field (make sure the status is enabled) and enclose it in curly brackets "{}".

This improvement makes it easier for users to track the status of their forms.

4. Improved Form Submission Actions to build full workflows

In the "Submit" component of the Form Builder, under "Submit Actions", you now have more control. Choose from the options to

  • Lock: only user with lock/unlock permission can edit

  • Set Log/Timestamp: display who and when this button was clicked for audit purposes

  • Set Label: define the label given to the form when taking this action

  • Set Status: define the status given to the form when taking this action

  • Set Assignee: assign the form to a specific user when taking this action. Very useful when combined with the notify assignee function.

C. Status

Users have the ability to change the status of a form. This can be done not just in Site and Safety Reports but now we have added this ability to Company Reports for all forms across all projects, as long as the status is enabled for that particular form.

D. Punch Lists

We're excited to introduce some improvements to the Punch List module that will make your project management experience even better (Click the arrow to expand).

1. Notification System Enhancement

Previously, Project Managers and assigned users only received notifications for specific actions in the Punch List module. Now, we've enhanced the notification system so that they will be notified about any changes, actions, or updates as long as they are set to be notified.

2. Smoother Punch Item Management

We've simplified the process of adding from pre-existing Punch Items in the Punch List module to make it more user-friendly.

"Add From Existing" Button Moved

Previously, the "Add From Item" button was immediately visible when adding or editing a Punch Item. Now, you can find it in the "Actions" menu for a more organized experience.

What is the "Add From Existing" Button?

The "Add From Existing" button is a feature in the "Punch List" module. It allows you to create a new Punch Item by duplicating and modifying an existing Punch Item. This can save time if you need to create similar items with slight variations. Instead of starting from scratch, you can use an existing item as a template and make the necessary adjustments.

How to Use "Add From Existing"?

  • Navigate to the Punch List module of your project.

  • Click on the "Actions" button to open the menu.

  • Select "Add From Item" from the menu.

A page will pop up asking you to “Choose Punch Item”. It will suggest the last five Punch Items created for that job. If you're looking for a different one, you can search for it.

  • Click "Copy" to duplicate the item.

  • Make any necessary changes on the copied page.

  • Click "Save" to create a new Punch Item.

E. Permissions

​Clearer User Permissions - We made it easier for users to understand pricing and permissions by assigning specific colors to different tier types: Collaborator is now displayed in a shade of light gray, Lite User in a medium gray, and User in a shade of blue. This way, users can quickly identify the impact of permission level on the tier pricing applied.

F. Change Order

  1. In Change Order, when a user gets an email asking for their response, we've improved the email format to encourage to simply reply by email.

  2. Added Columns in Change Orders- To quickly see important information in Change Orders, we added to table few the columns:

    1. Last approval date

    2. Last reject date

    3. Last cancel date

These columns will also appear in the improve PDF reports of CO logs.


Before, when you wanted to add recipients in RFI, you could only do it one user at a time, which could be time-consuming if you had many users to add. Now, there's a new option called "Add Crew" that lets you add multiple people at once, making the process much quicker and easier.

What is a Crew?

Crews are predefined groups of users within your organization. These groups are typically organized based on roles or responsibilities. So, if you have a team that works together frequently, Adding them as a crew could be a really convenient way to deploy them.

Stay tuned as we introduced external crews that will let you add a list of contacts quickly following the same principle.

H. Submittals

In Submittals, the section to choose between “Vendor” and “User” was changed to “Contact” and "User” to avoid confusion. This allows users to easily choose from their contacts, whether they are clients, vendors, or others.

I. Specifications

  1. View Original Specbook - We've added the ability for you to view the original specbook from project settings > list > specifications

Here's how you can do it:

a. Go to Project Settings.

b. Click on Lists.

c. Select Specifications.

d. Next to the file, you'll see three dots. Click on them.
e. Choose "View Original Specbook".

This function will be available on mobile to allow field workers and other people on site to use it for reference.

J. QR Forms

  1. Exit Without Saving Alert - We've now included a validation message that says "Exit Without Saving" when you click the "Close" button in the "Reporting Modal" accessed via QR Forms (by scanning a QR code on a form). This is to prevent users from accidentally losing the information they've already entered. It also gives them a chance to confirm if they really want to close or if it was a mistake.

🛠️ Fixes🛠️

  1. Permission Templates Issues- Resolved the problem where users couldn't view the names of assigned permission templates, regardless of whether permissions were assigned through the permissions tab or bulk edit mechanism.

  2. Fixed the issue where multiple choice options disappeared when special characters were included in the "Radio" component. Choices are now saved, even with special characters.

  3. We improved the Time Center Approvals process by fixing the issue when a user is in the Time Center > List View and tries to bulk select and approve time entries, an error message ("Unable to approve entry") will b pop up. However, upon returning to full view, the user's status had actually changed to "Approved."

  4. Before, when a report was added to Project Notices, the displayed count of reports for that day in that project was incorrect. It showed the total reports made on all projects, not just that specific project. We've fixed this issue. Now, the count accurately shows the number of reports created in that project.

  5. Resolved the issue where the list of notices was not showing up in company settings. This was caused by the system using "User Titles" instead of permissions for visibility.

November 2023

Web v3.8.105


  • We improved the tier permissions for tasks. When the user has “Project - Tasks (self)” permission, they will only see the correct number of tasks assigned to them to complete and not the total number of tasks in the entire company.

  • Users with both View and Create - Project (Assigned) permissions (Tier) can now automatically see the projects they created on their dashboard, for a more streamlined workflow.

  • Improved the recent Tier Permissions color feature, making it easier to read with color changes: Collaborator (light gray color), Lite User (light shade of yellow), User (light shade of blue), Disable icon (light gray color), Enable icon (black). Click for more information

  • Permissions for forms in the permissions template will now stay intact even if hidden. Previously, when changes were made to the visibility of forms, it affected permission templates. This caused a problem where users were not synchronized with the correct permissions template, leading to a mismatch between the displayed template and their actual permissions. With the recent update, the hidden form permissions are now at the bottom of each permission template and no longer interfere with permission templates.

In the Dispatch module, we introduced enhancements to our notification system for appointments and project assignments. One of these is the new section called "Messaging" in the Dispatch module's Settings. This section lets you tailor the messages and recipients for various events related to user actions, such as:

  1. On Create

  2. On Confirm

  3. On Publish

  4. On Complete

  5. On Reject

  6. On Remind

  7. On Change

  8. On Assign

  9. On Unassign

  10. On Delete

For each of these events, you can choose to send an email to the owner or the appointment team, or a notification to the owner or the appointment team. Additionally, in this new section, you can set up and define project assignments.

Also, changes include immediate handling of assign and unassign actions, standardized subject lines, improved body content with additional details, and a simplified display of site contact information.

Company Settings

  • Moved the "Classifications" from time settings to Settings, Lists. Classification is used across Users, Equipment and Material and for more than just time tracking. They are a great way to keep your data organized and your reports meaningful.

  • We've made lunch deductions in your Company Settings more flexible! Now, you can personalize and have different lunch deductions. You can apply them based on User Tags, Project Tags and/or Classifications. Here's how it works:

    Let's say you have two lunch deductions set up.

    1. The first one is by User Tag, lasting 30 minutes.

    2. The second one is by User Tag and Classification, lasting 15 minutes.

    A user named "Max" that has both the User Tag and the Classification the lunch deduction settings prioritize the first one in the order. So, Max automatically gets a 30-minute lunch break. It's that simple!

  • Improved the Form Builder's Input Component section for number fields, allowing users to choose the desired number of decimal points with the "Max # of Decimal Points" option. It is helpful when used with our mathematical formula autofill option.

  • Notices now set up at the company level can still be edited from the day view for easy access. To prevent any unwanted changes, we added a validation message when saving edits to show how many projects will be impacted.

  • Added 'Approved By' and 'Rejected By' columns to the table view and all export types (PDF and CSV). With an improved layout and information on the PDF, you get quick access to important details of your Change Orders (CO) and Potential Change Orders (PCO).

  • Enhanced the 'Add From Existing' option in Punch Lists. It will duplicate all existing data from the selected Punch Item except for the item name, the photos, and resolution comments and photos.

Project Settings

  • Renamed buttons in the Team tab of Project settings for clarity: "Add Users" to "Add Users To Project" and "Add Crew" to "Add Crew To Project."

  • We just launched Locations in Project Settings from the previous release and now we added another improvement by allowing users to copy locations between projects for improved efficiency.

Mobile v4.6.2

Our team has focused on improving support services by gathering more information about mobile users. We've specifically addressed issues related to navigating different Android versions to ensure a smoother user experience.


  • Simplified the “User” section (Team -> User tab -> select a user) in both company and project interfaces by removing unnecessary info displaying instead the email and the "Permission Template" field.

  • Various user-friendly changes in "Team" modules:

    • Removed the "Add Crew" button in the User tab.

    • Added full filtering and sorting capacity in the Company tab with name, type, and external status (included in external workflows).

    • Added the ability to "Add Company" from mobile in the Company tab when clicking "More". The ability to create a new Company follows users permission

    • Added the ability to "Add Crew" from mobile in the Crews tab when clicking "More". The ability to create a new Crew also follows users' permissions.


  • Improved task management by making project tasks collapsible, allowing users to focus on the specific ones they want to see.

  • Made several changes to mobile drawings, including renaming "View Attachments" to "View All Items". This function allows you to see a list of all pins and by adding icons for each pin, they are now much easier to quickly identify.

Notice Board

  • Removed the "More" icon in the Notice board on the mobile app to prevent users from editing or deleting notices.

  • Renamed the section 'Responsible Vendor' to 'Submitter' in creating a new submittal and improved the filters by renaming Vendor to 'Contact' and adding filter by section.

Punch List

  • Added the ability to Sort By Priority (High to Low) in the Punch List filter.

Project Settings

  • Added a validation message in the mobile version, notifying users of an error if the project number already exists when creating a project.

🛠️ Bug Fixes 🛠️

Web v3.8.105

  • Fixed the issue in the "Edit Contact" section where the "Type" checkbox didn’t reflect the correct values.

  • Resolved the problem where users couldn't add and disable company cost codes in "Project Settings > Lists > Cost Codes."

  • Fixed the issue in creating an RFI where adding a crew didn’t work.

  • Rectified the absence of an option to filter CO pins in a drawing.

  • Addressed the issue in generating a material report within the time report section, where no data was being displayed.

Mobile v4.6.2

Resolved the issue where "Copy from existing" did not work from a form placed in "Recent Reports".

Web v3.8.106

📣 New Features and Improvements 📣

1. Siteflow Settings Enhancement

Siteflow is now available on demand. Watch for our future announcements for a full launch. You can now control the availability of Siteflow for both users and contacts in the Siteflow settings. A new checkbox allows you to easily enable or disable this feature for each. By default, Siteflow is enabled for both users and contacts but you can choose if only people in your users list can access it or if anyone with a phone number will be able to scan the QR and follow the steps

2. Project Contacts Organization

In Project Contacts, we've introduced new tabs for better organization: "Contacts" and "Companies." These tabs simplify interactions by providing distinct lists of contacts added to projects. You can filter, multi-select, and utilize action buttons. Additionally, “Add to Project” and “Add Contact” or “Add Company” will be available to users with the appropriate permissions.

3. Improved Print Quality Settings

When downloading any report, the print quality setting is now "High" by default, ensuring that your reports look good on paper.

4. Team Management Enhancements

In the Team module, we've refined some wording for clarity. The "Trade" category has been renamed to "Specialization" to prevent confusion with our Trade fields selection that looks at companies.

Additionally, the "Contacts" and "Companies" tabs now include a "Classification" alongside the existing "Category".

The same classifications used for your people, tools, and materials can now be used for your contacts for better organization.

5. Setting for Drawing revisions links

Opening a linked drawing pin can now consistently refer to the most recent version of the drawing. The default behaviour is to reference the revision that was existing at the time the links were created.

The users are, of course, always warned when they are viewing the oldest revision.

Now you can change that to always show the latest revision by default. For admins, go to Settings > Module > Drawings and check the relevant box.

6. Simplified QR Code Registration

New users scanning a QR code are prompted to enter their first name, last name, email, and company name. The registration process is now improved with an autocomplete feature for the company name field. The objective is to prevent creating duplicate companies due to spelling differences. If the company cannot be found the user then has the option to create a new company.

7. Geo-fence Validation Options

To satisfy some of our customers, we introduced the ability to prevent check-ins and check-outs outside of the project geo-fence.

Note: It is your responsibility to get consent from your users when you enable that option.

The new checkbox options are in the Time Settings (Company dashboard> Settings > Modules > Time tab > General Settings button > Validation section). These options are "Disable Check-in Outside Geo-fence" and "Disable Checkout Outside Geo-fence." Each option comes with a tooltip or warning message:

"SiteMax does not recommend using this function. You are responsible for complying with local and federal rules regarding geo-tracking for individuals and/or properties. We strongly recommend using our default function, which flags the user as being inside or outside the specified project geofence. Users who do not provide access to their location or are identified as outside the project geofence will always receive a warning."

This means that while these new options are available, we recommend using the default function that respects people's choices in providing their coordinates.

Warning: For this function to work, the SiteMax mobile application needs to be authorized to access the device location.

8. Permissions Update

Permissions related to message editing have been expanded to include Lite Users, allowing more than just full users to start messaging other users. Additionally, the tooltip for the "Manage" permission now clearly states, "Allows you to add/remove people and delete threads."

9. Push Notifications for Form Builder Forms

Introduced a new option, "Send Push Notification," in the form "Email Distribution Settings" of Form Builder forms. This checkbox allows you to enable “bell” and mobile push notifications. It’s accompanied by a tooltip to explain this work only when referring to users, not to email addresses that don’t exist in your list of users.

10. Improved Task Feature

We know how important it is to have all the details when you're assigning tasks. That's why we improved our "Task" module. Now, when you're working on a project and copy a task from another project, all the task and subtask descriptions will be copied as well. This makes it easier to have repeatable processes.

🛠️ Bug Fixes 🛠️

1. Forms with Custom PDF Names

Resolved the issue where forms with custom PDF file names were not downloading with their specified names when exported as a ZIP file. Now, ZIP files for PDF exports should accurately reflect the custom file names.

2. Time Center Export Fix

Fixed an issue preventing users from exporting time entries in the Grid View of Time Center or Timecards for pay periods over 14 days. Users can now export time for up to 16 days without encountering errors.

3. Punchlist Completed Date Preservation

Addressed a bug in Punchlist where checking the completed checkbox while creating the punch item cleared the date. The completed dates are now preserved, ensuring the consistency of the data when performing this action.

Web v3.8.107

📣 New Features and Improvements 📣

1. Adding "Locations" in Drawings Module

We have some exciting plans ahead to enhance our Drawings module. One of them is “Locations”. Now, when editing a drawing or performing bulk edits, you can easily include a designated "Location."

In individual Drawings:

If multiple Drawings:

This enhancement extends to the filters in drawing modules, simplifying the sorting process based on location for a more organized workflow. When we extract locations from drawings in the future, we will be able to facilitate creating your masterlist. Location will also be a great way to link documents, tasks, RFI, CO, punch items before you even pin them.

2. Improved Purchase Orders with Cost Code Filtering

Enhance your system's usability with our updated Purchase Orders. We've added a new filtering option based on Cost Codes, making it simpler for you to manage and find your purchase orders efficiently. Any PO that has a line item with this cost code will be listed.

3. Improved Location with more Levels

We've made it easier for you to organize and categorize workt items by introducing multiple location levels. Now, you can have up to 4 levels of locations for your Punch items, RFI, CO, submittals and drawings. To help you understand the hierarchy, we've included a "Level" column in Locations. The number of arrows to a location indicates its level – two arrows mean it's on the sub-sublocation, for example. You can access this feature in Project Settings and control what will be availble for everyone to select per project (Dashboard > Select a Project > Project Settings > Lists tab > Locations).

4. Notices Settings Upgrade for Clearer Communication

To enhance communication and make things clearer, we've updated the Notices settings (located in Dashboard > Settings > Modules > Notices). Now, when you visit Notices Settings, you'll notice two new columns: "Context" and "Type." The "Context" column tells you where to find the notices, and the "Type" column specifies the type of notices.

These are:







Site Report

Safety Report




Day View


Site Bulletin

Safety Bulletin

This improvement ensures that everyone is well-informed about the nature of each notice, promoting better organization and preventing confusion. Wondering what SiteFlow is? Reach out to your CSM to learn more and get early access.

5. Unchangeable Notice Types

To keep your data safe and accurate, we've made an update. Once you create a notice, you can no longer change its type. This helps maintain the reliability of stored data, especially for specific notices.

If you ever need to switch a notice's type, our recommendation is to create a new one with the correct type and delete the one that needs changing.

Note: Even if we disabled changing the type of notices, everything else is still customizable for other aspects of the notice, such as its background color, title, and attachments.

6. PDFTron viewer for All PDF Files

Now, all PDF files in SiteMax can be opened using our new PDF interface. This update gives you a wide range of tools with more upcomingfeatures to better manage and collaborate on documents.

7. Enhanced Form Customization

We wanted to give our users more freedom to customize their forms because we understand that forms can vary in terms of conditions and requirements. That's why we introduced a 'Multiple Selection' feature for the Custom mode in the "Select" component option under "Input Component." Now, you not only have the ability to create personalized options but also allow users to select multiple choices at once.

When editing the form:

When filling-out the form:

8. Improved Equipment Management

On the Maintenance page of the Equipments module (Dashboard > Equipment), we've made it easier for users to control what they see and how the table columns are arranged. Now, users can rearrange and hide columns based on their personal preferences. This gives users more control over their views, helping them work more efficiently and comfortably in their role. We will soon provide an export function.

🛠️ Bug Fixes 🛠️

1. Form Builder - Checkbox Condition Saving Issue

  • We've addressed a problem where, if you set up a checkbox with a condition like "is equal to" > "checked" in the Form Builder, the changes wouldn't save when you left and came back. It would revert to the default "Has any value" condition. Now, when you make changes to field dependencies for checkboxes, they will be saved as expected.

2. Form Builder - Group Block Component Editing

  • A report came in about issues saving changes when editing a Group Block component, especially with the Show Component feature. Good news – we've fixed it! Now, when you make changes to the Show Component and hit Save and Close, your changes will be saved properly.

3. Rental Equipment Notifications Fix

  • Fixed the problem where users weren't getting notifications when setting up rental equipment notifications. Now, those assigned to the rental equipment will get notifications through push messages, the bell icon, and email alerts.

Web v3.8.108

  • Our newest feature, "Siteflow,” keeps getting better as we have added in the "Actions" drop-down menu the “CSV export” functionality. Now, users can easily export CSV files for Siteflow events. This addition simplifies log management in construction projects. Furthermore, in Siteflow QR Log/Events, we've added filters by User/Contact, in addition to Siteflow Name, Log Types, Projects, and Date Range.

  • To improve user, contact, company creation, and QR workflow, Sitemax now accepts phone numbers with different country codes. In the "Phone Number" section, we've included a drop-down menu. This makes it simple for you to pick your country and its associated code.

  • In the Punch List module, you can now include a reference to the drawing smoothly. This improvement add to the current thumbnail from drawings pins functionality by letting you reference the entire drawing. To simply the pinning process later or to just share a simple reference, this function will soon be linked to locations.

  • Managing divisions is now streamlined. Users can delete divisions in both Company and Project Settings. When creating a new project, divisions will automatically pull form the Company Divisions to the Project Divisions. This update ensures a more efficient project setup process and better control over the divisions you don’t want to track.

  • Building on previous location feature enhancements, we've added the new Location and Sub Location interface in RFI, Change Order, and Submittals modules. You can control which location and sub-location show in each module, quickly copy them between project and create them on the fly from each screen while still having control in Project Settings. This improve filtering for easy access to information, making sharing reports of items a breath.

  • In the Team > Crew tab, users now have the ability to add external contacts to Crews through the "Add Crew" button. This feature allows the creation of pre-defined groups outside your organization that you often include in RFI and Change Orders. Think of it as a directory group of contacts, making it easier to create distribution lists.

    Users with "User - Manage (gear icon)" permission can utilize this feature for managing both internal and external Crews.

  • Fixed an issue where creating a "Notice" without specifying "User Titles" rendered it unviewable. Now, if "User Titles" are unspecified in Notice settings, the default is that "Notice" is viewable to all users (with correct view permissions) in the specified project(s).

  • Resolved an issue in Submittals where attempting to mark-up an attached file in the response form triggered an error message. Users can now smoothly mark up attached files in response forms without encountering any errors.

Mobile v4.6.5

📣 New Features and Improvements 📣

Project Editing Enhancement

We recently introduced a feature to notify users on mobile devices if a project number already exists when creating a project. However, during testing, we identified an unintended behavior where the warning message also appeared during project editing. To address this, we have improved the system by eliminating the validation message that compares the project number to its own number during editing. This enhancement ensures that the warning message will only appear when creating a project, providing a smoother editing experience without unnecessary alerts.

Simplified Team Structure

To make user management more straightforward, we've made changes to our company's team structure. Now, adding users can only be done at the company level. If you need to add an existing user to a specific project, you can find that option at the project level. This update aims to reduce confusion and streamline the user addition process.

Contact and Company Management Improvement

In our ongoing efforts to simplify processes, we've revised how contacts are managed in the system. Adding a contact or a company can now only be done at the company level. If you want to include an existing contact or company in a project, you can access that option in project-level contacts. This enhancement is designed to prevent confusion and provide a clearer process for managing contacts.

🛠️ Bug Fixes 🛠️

Form Visibility Issue Resolved

We addressed an issue where the visibility of a form differed between mobile and web platforms when "Restricted Visibility" was selected. Previously, users with the right permissions faced challenges in adding or filling out forms if they were not part of the group managing and viewing completed forms. With this fix, users with the correct permissions can now create forms seamlessly, regardless of their inclusion in the group with access to completed forms in "Restricted Visibility."

User Addition Error Fix

A problem was identified where an error message stating 'Role is required' would appear when attempting to add a new user. We've resolved this issue, and now users with the correct permissions can add new users without encountering any obstacles.

December 2023

Web v3.8.109

📣 New Features and Improvements 📣

Improved Date Filtering

We've improved consistency in how data is filtered when you select start and end dates. Now for every logs you filter, when you pick a start date, it includes data from 00:00:01 am onward on that day. Similarly, selecting an end date includes data up to 11:59:59 pm on that day. This adjustment ensures more accurate and inclusive results when using the same start and end dates for example.

Crews Module Enhancements

In the previous update, we introduced the ability to add external contacts to Crews made of contacts (you can find this feature in the Dashboard under the Team module, specifically in the Crews tab). To make things even easier, we added new filters: Internal and External to filter by Crew type, as well as filters for Users and Contacts to filter by who is part of a Crew.


Video Inclusion in Notices

When creating notices in the Siteflow tab and selecting the "Media" type, you can now include videos in addition to pictures, forms, and text. This enhancement provides a broader range of communication options, allowing you to convey information more effectively to your users.

QR Log/Events Feature Enhancements

The QR Log/Events feature in the team module is designed for users with the right permissions to show events that happened in Siteflows, such as when users open, complete a step, or complete the entire Siteflow. In the previous update, we introduced a "CSV export" option and now we’ve added another option, the "Export PDF" with an aggregation of event providing counts. This improvement is designed to make it easier for users to keep track of subs activities and analyze events from Siteflow at a macro level.

Siteflow Permission Settings

We’ve built Siteflow and made a lot of improvements to it, aiming to simplify the user’s experience. As we continue to evolve, we're introducing Siteflow permissions settings to give users more control. With these settings, users with the right permissions can manage what others can do and access in the system. This not only makes things simpler for everyone but also ensures the system's integrity.

Here's a breakdown of the permissions:

  • View Permissions: Allows users to look at, review, and finish Siteflows.

  • Create Permissions: Enables users to create new Siteflows.

  • Edit Permissions: Allows users to make changes to existing Siteflows.

  • Manage Permissions: Permits users to remove Siteflows.

These permissions help you control how each user can interact with Siteflows.

Notices Settings Tabs

Easier now! In the Notices settings, we introduced two tabs: "Siteflow" and "Day View." These tabs help users know where their notice will show up or be usable. For instance, if you want to make a new notice for the "Notice board" in the Day View of projects, the tabs help you quickly find where to create it – it's in the "Day View" tab ( Dashboard > Settings > Modules > Notices tab).

New Notice Type: 'Last Report'

We've introduced a new notice type, 'Last Report'. This new step for Siteflow can be found in the Notices settings under the Siteflow tab. This feature allows users going through a Siteflow to view the pdf of a specific and most recent created form within a project. Users can choose which site or safety form to display and control further which report to show using the form's 'status,'. This feature is designed to dynamically show the most up to date project information. For example, you could choose to show the latest Safe Work Procedure PDF on that project, but only for the one where the status is "reviewed.”. [Add link to form status article]

🛠️ Bug Fixes 🛠️

Contacts Module Issue Resolved

In the contacts module, there was an issue with selecting all contacts and exporting them to a PDF. The checkbox didn't indicate the selection, and the PDF displayed an empty list. This problem has been fixed, and users can now use the contacts section without any issues. Selecting all contacts and exporting to PDF will work correctly.

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