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Release Notes 2021

New Features, Updates and Improvements!

Julien Lavy avatar
Written by Julien Lavy
Updated over a week ago

January 2021

Hello world! 👷

💪 Some improvements have been introduced this week, thanks to insightful customers feedback🔬.

The team is looking forward to a big round of 🆕 new releases next week.

🛠 Minor fixes have been implemented and we are keeping a close eye🕵️‍♀️ on future developments in those areas.


  • Unique Code Description - The team has allowed for the creation of unique codes on a project that share the same number as a code on another project.

  • Intercom chat bubble visibility on Day View.


  • Task list error on delete - Resolved.

  • QR workflow scan issue when user session active - Resolved.

  • Scheduler, Appointment missing time range - Resolved.

  • Mobile checkin view doesn't refresh after submit - Resolved.

February 2021

🚠 This week the dev team climbed another mountain of improvements. We're starting to get a glimpse from the summit! 🏔

🔧 Further tweaks are being made to our newest feature. New QR Code functions are being added to forms📋 !

🧹 Support team has cleaned up the live-chat queue. We were on🔝 of fixes and resolutions last week.


  • Report QR Codes - Scan code to access a form-specific site or safety report as an outsider to SiteMax.

  • Continued support and feedback is helping us iron out the kinks of this exciting beta feature.


  • QR Workflow - International phone numbers.

  • Forms. Email distribution - Included CC list.

  • Materials - Added ID filtering to material class

  • Mobile. Records - Move "Team Records" to "Team" page as new tab.

  • Appointments - Added "Show Details" in Add modal.

  • Mobile. Appointments - Show PM name in scheduler.

  • Mobile. Team - Add 'phone' icon beside name of users.

  • Tasks - Include "Add Appointment" button.

  • Tasks - Include project-specific, default "Appointment" task list.

  • Change Orders - Added "Paid" Status to Change Orders.


  • QR Workflow - Form QR saving to company reports. Resolved.

  • Integrations - QBO error on employee sync. Resolved.

  • Mobile. Timecards - Time between checkout and split time. Resolved.

  • Cost Codes - Exporting unique cost codes. Value of "type" field. Resolved.

  • Team - Header issues. Resolved.

March 2021

💪 The last few weeks have been about constant improvements. 🙏 Thank you to our customers and to the Product Development team for continually pumping-up the app.

🔧 Some minor fixes were cranked-out. 🚀 The Dev team continues to crush!

👏 Success has added a new members to the Team. 🏠 Welcome Home Stacey!


  • RFI Revisions - Make a change to a closed RFI, sequence number gets updated.

  • Approval-based PO Workflow added - In settings, select between Manual (original) and Approval PO workflow.


  • POs - Alternative billing Address

  • POs - Taxes migration

  • POs - Default Tax Line items

  • POs - Approval Workflow, filters changed, updated PO actions and PDF visuals.

  • POs - Allow prices with up to 4 decimal points.

  • RFIs - Customizable email subject line

  • Change Orders - CO Changes

  • Project Settings - Email sendout to invted users. Don't send to invitee.

  • Tasks - Added ability to customize list colour.

  • Settings - Cost Codes - Tweak to cost code export. Define company versus unique cost codes in export. Define project number for unique codes.

  • Records - Add Filters

  • Custom Form Builder - Added "required field(s)" message

  • Timecards - Equipment Time Export. Consistency between Equipment and People time duration data format in export.

  • Deficiencies - Added table header settings.

  • Company Reports - Add filter for locked reports


  • Purchase Orders - Project Team Leads - Dynamic on PDF

  • QR Workflow - Project QR Code leading to website

April 2021

🐉 SiteMax never stops slaying bug fixes and issue resolutions.⚔ The Support team have the weapons to fight alongside our customers and development, resulting in many quick wins over these past weeks.

🏍 We're racing towards the finish line of some very exciting feature updates.⏱ Check-back in no time and we will be revealing updates and refactoring done to some of our most key features.

🔍 Our QA team persistently inspects the current system.💡 Alongside our customers, we continue to funnel industry feedback directly to the brains of SiteMax.🧠


  • Drawings Updates: Learn more!

  • Project Contacts - Added email-to project contacts features.

  • Mobile. Projects - Added Project Tags

  • Timecards - Added "move" function for project time. Change the associated project of a timecard entry.


  • Table Styles - Maintain selections across multiple paginations - all tables.

  • Timecards - Included description column on Time Tracking CSV export.

  • Purchase Orders - UI Changes.

  • Purchase Orders - Approver receives email when PO is submitted.

  • Drawings - Added sorting by number index.

  • Mobile. Records - Added filter function to team records on mobile.

  • Mobile. Equipment - Allow units to accept custom values.


  • Change Orders - Separate email threads per CO number. Resolved.

  • Change Orders - Line breaks collating in PDF. Resolved

  • RFIs - Updates reflecting on PDF. Resolved.

  • Equipment - Tool Location issue. Resolved.

  • Timecards - Check in/out time for previous day. Resolved.

  • Timecards - Check-in options from project. Resolved.

  • Mobile. Drawings - Toolbar issue for iOS 12 devices. Resolved.

  • Mobile. Project Settings - Load issues. Resolved.

  • Purchase Orders - Duplicated tax line. Resolved.

  • Purchase Orders - Approval stamp missing. Resolved.

  • QR Workflow - Submit button issue. Resolved.

  • Daily Activity Report - Pictures not stacking properly. Resolved.

  • Permissions - View, Edit permissions allowing to create. Resolved.

May 2021

Hi SiteMax world! We're always eager to bring you 2 weeks worth of NEW goodies.

That being said, we get just as excited to deliver some necessary updates and improvements to our current set of fantastic features.

"Failure is an option here. If things are not failing, you are not innovating enough."

- Elon Musk 🚀 🌕


  • Settings - Added toggle for Metric/Imperial. 🇺🇸

  • Team - Add multiple users to multiple projects.


  • Punch Lists - Photo maximum increased. Additional photos visible in PDF link.

  • Project Settings - UI Enhancements.

  • Timecards - Loading Screen UI Enhancements.

  • Permissions - On Day View, limit visibility of check-ins to users with "Manage" Timecards permissions.

  • Drawings - Addition of Metric measurements.

  • RFIs - Re-open cancelled RFI

  • RFIs - Custom email subject line. Display default blocks if nothing selected.

  • Change Orders - Display updated CO/PCO PDF information on save.

  • Project Settings - Add users to multiple projects.

  • Mobile. Contacts - Split first, Last name for contacts.

  • Mobile. Drawings - Addition of Metric measurements.


  • Form QR Codes - Unable to add date from scanned form QR. Resolved.

  • Punch Lists - Formatting Issue. Resolved.

  • Drawings - Punch List Visibility by plan. Resolved.

  • Drawings - Export Issues. Resolved.

  • Timecards - PDF Export Issues. Resolved.

  • Permissions - Form-based permission issue. Resolved.

  • Project Notices - Copy Project Notice issue. Resolved.

  • Mobile. Drawings - Rename back to Default Folder. Resolved.

  • Mobile. Equipment - Issue with adding a service item. Resolved.

  • Forms - Site Instruction Form Migration. Resolved.

  • RFI - Screen loading empty. Resolved.

  • Forms - Updates to readonly for radio-cell(s).

June 2021

Hi SiteMax world! This week we have some exciting new releases. Not as many fixes or improvements, but hey...

"The road to success is always under construction."

- Lily Tomlin👷‍♀️ 🛠


  • Timecentre/Settings - Custom Pay Periods! Set your own start/end date, frequency.

  • Equipment - Company Level Equipment Map. Click into any project on the map, to click into that project's tool profile(s).


  • Team - Assign (users) to all projects.

  • Drawings - Vertical OCR scanning capabilities.

  • Change Orders - Added "Linear Metres" and "Square Metres" in Units drop-down.


  • Purchase Orders - Unable to add date from scanned form QR. Resolved.

  • Drawings - Export PDF - Unexpected Error Message. Resolved.

  • Team - Unselecting users after clicking "select all". Resolved.

July 2021

Hi SiteMax world! Everyone should be getting excited for some amazing Timecards & Timecentre UI Redesigns, they are looking GREAT so far.

Coming soon!

While our team is busy working on the final tweaks and last rounds of QA/QC, we have released a small set of changes, improvements and fixes to the system.

"If everyone is moving forward together, then success takes care of itself."

- Henry Ford 🚙 🛠


  • Change Orders - Updated styles on PDF.

  • Day View - Mass-update information for "Label" and "Assigned to" of forms in DayView.


  • Drawings - UI updates - Time Settings. Cost types, payroll scheduler, required fields, check in/out adjustments. Auto check-in.

  • Change Orders - PDF Style updates

  • Day View - Endpoint speeds increased.

  • Contacts - Sort table by 'company' column.

  • Table Styles - Default filter added.

  • Timecards - Order Checkin info. Reverse chronological order for same-day check-ins.


  • Mobile. Timecards. Missing cost code for check-in conflict screen. Resolved.

  • RFIs. Error message. Resolved.

  • Day View. Table doesn't match SMX styles. Resolved.

  • External Portal. Change Order - Close button missing. Resolved.

  • Documents. Doc files are not downloading. Resolved.

  • Cost Codes. Default cost codes interfering with selected project cost codes on forms. Resolved.

  • Timecards. Payroll date endpoints. Resolved.

September 2021

Hi SiteMax World,

Long time no see! This update is going to be a long one, including 2.5 months’ worth of new features, updates, and improvements. Let’s get to it.

“It is not the beauty of the building you should look at: it’s the construction of the foundation that will stand the test of time.” – David Allan Coe

📣 New Features

  • Change Orders - Cancelled change orders can now be reopened with a new suffix

  • Form Builder - Can make a copy from an existing form

  • Purchase Orders - New fields added: “Referenced RFI” (from SiteMax) and “Referenced SI/RFI” (external)

  • Purchase Orders - Ability to customize your PO screen or PDF by choosing included fields

  • Purchase Orders - More and better export at the project and company level

  • New Time - Can add time entry manually and location shown on a map with geo-fence

  • New Time - New UI functionalities added

  • New Time - Equipment added to reports

  • Mobile - Reset password

🚀 Improvements

  • Company Reports - New filters added

  • Equipment - Ability to mark equipment as “Rental”

  • Equipment - Added work type, rental date, and classification

  • Photos - “Load More” button added and can be filtered by date

  • Purchase Orders - Removed pick-up date, vendor name included when a PO is exported, added autocomplete for equipment

  • Records - UI updates regarding table view

  • Tasks - Added “Created By” field to task and table view

  • New Time - Always shows the latest time entry at the top and check-in information is ordered in reverse-chronological order based on the date

  • New Time - Different permissions for creating equipment timecards

  • New Time - New column showing employee classification when exported as CSV

  • New Time - Updated wordings in time entry and settings

  • New Time - Allow multiple entries and inputs to change cost-code, work-type, notes, custom fields

  • New Time - Updated permissions

  • New Time - Allow equipment time entry

  • New Time - Report template adjusted with more columns

  • New Time - Allow more time format and more sorting options for reports

  • New Time - UI updates regarding time settings, configuration, reports, timecards view

  • Mobile - Dayview optimized

🛠️ Fixes

  • New Time Centre - Issue with filters. Resolved.

  • New Time - Export does not include time type. Resolved.

  • New Time - Sage 50 CSV Export Customization. Resolved.

  • New Time - Classification error. Resolved.

  • New Time - The displayed number of users selected does not correspond with the actual number of users selected. Resolved.

  • New Time - Deduct function time miscalculation. Resolved.

  • App Tour - Glitches. Resolved.

  • Scheduler - Error message on “People” tab. Resolved.

  • Scheduler - Notifications sent twice. Resolved.

  • Punch List - Clean up page break in the report. Resolved.

  • Purchase Orders - Selected POs do not show on the export count in actions. Resolved.

  • Purchase Orders - Missing Cost Codes. Resolved.

  • Purchase Orders - Exported PO shows different totals off by $0.01. Resolved.

  • Map - Project view wording changes. Resolved.

  • Tools - Missing filters. Resolved.

  • Drawings - Attachment loading error. Resolved.

  • Drawings - The markup tool disappears when hovered over. Resolved.

  • QR Codes - Loading issues. Resolved.

  • Project Forms - Unable to export forms. Resolved.

  • Contacts - Search via phone number disabled. Resolved.

  • Mobile - Unable to create a new tag from punch item. Resolved

  • Project Settings - UI fixes to the progress bar. Resolved.

October 2021

Hi SiteMax World,

October came and went so fast. We are definitely feeling grateful for all your support and love thus far during this Canadian Thanksgiving season. We hope you are enjoying the last weekend of the spooky season. 👻

Oh, did I mention? We have a new website! Check out our website here. We are adding more help centre articles in the next couple of weeks regarding the New Time centre and Purchase Orders.

“Each of us is carving a stone, erecting a column, or cutting a piece of stained glass in the construction of something much bigger than ourselves.” – Adrienne Clarkson.

📣 New Features

  • Company Reports - List of all your forms that can be exported as CSV.

  • Equipment - Purchase Order can be referenced under equipment maintenance.

  • Equipment - Equipment time can be easily added without a user.

  • Forms and Form Builder - Added collapsable group block functions. Cloning reports function added.

  • Materials - Quantity fields added and material usages are reflected on both the company and project level.

  • Materials - Search bar added to find materials using text.

  • New Time - Payable, billable, and overhead items can have a monetary value rate instead of a coefficient.

  • New Time - Materials included in time entries and reporting to track usage.

🚀 Improvements

  • Change Order - Export PDF UI updated.

  • Company Settings - Time Module Settings UI updated. “Pay period settings” has been moved can be found under “time settings” and “company info” tabs.

  • Drawings - Mark up tool has been renamed from markers → pins.

  • Equipment - Mobile. Move Equipment shortcut added to (+) Add button.

  • Equipment - Export selected option added.

  • Forms and Form Builder - Add requirements conditions for radio/photos/comments.

  • Forms and Form Builder - Ability to show or hide “assigned/created/modified date”.

  • Forms and Form Builder - Ability to show weather information in degrees F or degrees C.

  • Materials - More filters added.

  • New Time - Delete templates.

  • New Time - Define rules for all time types.

  • New Time - Added new data points for payable and billable hourly rates.

  • New Time - Time classification can be deleted.

  • New Time - Allow unique cost codes when setting up payable, billable, overhead rules.

  • New Time - Reports formatting updated.

  • New Time - Manual time entries will default to start at the current time upon creation.

  • New Time - Mobile. When checking in, the user’s name will be located at the top of the list to reduce scrolling and searching, followed by users who are currently checked-in then in alphabetical order.

  • New Time - Timecards loading time improved.

  • Old Time - Export PDF UI updated.

  • Purchase Orders - Export table changes.

  • Purchase Orders - Ability to make cost codes mandatory depending on approval/manual workflow.

  • Purchase Orders - Added new fields, cost-code mandatory, equipment, and customized terms.

  • Punch List - Notification sent to Assignee.

  • Records - Set the reminder date and time.

  • RFI - Export function updated.

  • Settings - Added a 50 km geo-fence radius option.

  • Team - UI update for Crews for better user experience. Added Crew header column with table settings

  • Contacts - Permissions updated.

  • Company Reports - Scrolling option added to filters.

  • Team - Scrolling option added to filters.

  • Change Order - Mobile. Unable to view changes. Fixed.

  • Change Order - Expanded text area.

  • Documents - Sharing error. Fixed.

  • Equipment - Inactive projects hidden.

  • Form - Mobile. Signature input error. Fixed.

  • Form - Permissions updated.

  • Form Builder - Input date error. Fixed.

  • New Time - Auto lunch deduction error. Fixed.

  • New Time - Permissions. Fixed.

  • New Time - Check-in conflict and update check-out fields. Fixed.

  • New Time - Check-in and check-out location update. Fixed.

  • Photo - Markup tool error. Fixed.

  • Punch List - Export priority only. Fixed.

  • Purchase Order - QBO synced icon missing. Fixed.

  • Purchase Order - PDF alignment issue. Fixed.

  • Purchase Order - Updated notification wording. Fixed.

  • Purchase Order - PDF export does not include cost code. Fixed.

  • Purchase Order - Default cost code error. Fixed.

  • RFI ​​- Mobile. Submission error. Fixed.

  • Settings - Cost code cannot be removed from a group. Fixed.

  • Task - Notification update. Fixed.

  • Task - View-only user permissions. Fixed.

  • Web - Password reset. Fixed.

November 2021

Hi SiteMax World,

This month, we launched the submittals module with the beta tag. Our submittals module works with your specifications to easily communicate with your vendors, reviewers and approvers.

Interested in learning more about submittals? Check out our help centre articles or chat with us to learn more.

“It is not the beauty of a building you should look at; it’s the construction of the foundation that will stand the test of time.” – Adrienne Clarkson.

📣 New Features

  • Form Builder - Forms can be versioned and cloned by using duplicate and revise function in an existing form.

  • Integrations - Quick Books Online for new time is available.

  • Materials - Bulk delete company level materials.

  • New Time Centre - Automatically split time entries that span over midnight.

  • New Time Centre - Allow time entries in the future.

  • New Time Centre - Mobile. Move equipment from different projects when entering new time entries.

  • Notice Board - Link SiteMax documents to the notice board.

  • Project Settings - Upload and manage project specifications.

  • Project Settings - Add and edit project specifications.

  • Submittals - New module launched with beta tag. The submittal module includes creating a submittal, managing the workflow, closing and distributing responses. For more information, check out the help centre articles.

  • Scheduler - Automatic assignment and scheduling when creating appointments from web and mobile.

  • Submittals - Mobile. View only.

🚀 Improvements

  • Change Orders - Change colour for each status, similar to punch list.

  • Equipment - More search filters added.

  • Forms - Mobile. Search bar added.

  • Hidden Forms - Move hidden forms to the bottom of the list.

  • Materials - Export includes tags.

  • New Time Centre - Project and user can be edited in time entries.

  • New Time Centre - Display custom fields in the time table.

  • New Time Centre - Table configuration.

  • New Time Centre - New time card ordering.

  • New Time Centre - Export reports as PDF.

  • New Time Centre - Ability to delete custom fields.

  • New Time Centre - Clone custom fields on splitting user and tool.

  • Old Time Centre - Export customization.

  • Punch List - When generating reports, add a cover page or a table of contents.

  • Punch List - Pop-up actions updated.

🛠️ Fixes

  • Company Reports - Export CSV issues. Fixed.

  • Company Settings - Export project data issues. Fixed.

  • Dashboard - Total projects number not updating. Fixed.

  • Day View - Content not displayed. Fixed.

  • Drawings - Unit of measurement issues. Fixed.

  • Drawings - Taking a long time to sync. Fixed.

  • Forms - QR code issues. Fixed.

  • New Time Centre - Table configuration and sort function not working as intended. Fixed.

  • New Time Centre - The names of users with 2+ names are truncated in reports. Fixed.

  • New Time Centre - UI update. Replace the sort icon. Fixed.

  • New Time Centre - Mobile. UI update. Consistent wording. Fixed.

  • Project Settings - Multiple notifications sent on user assignment. Fixed.

  • Purchase Order - Error message not triggered when no items are selected for export. Fixed.

  • Project Dayview - The number of users displays error. Fixed.

  • Purchase Order - Total calculation issues. Fixed.

  • Purchase Order - Export history issues. Fixed.

  • Purchase Order - PO numbers split into separate columns when exported. Fixed.

  • RFI - The attachment link has an error. Fixed.

December 2021

Hi SiteMax World,

We hope you have enjoyed your holidays with your friends and family!

📣 New Features

  • Tasks - Notifications on web are now clickable. Click on the notification to see the associated task.

  • RFI, Task, Punch Lists - See a thumbnail of the drawing associated with the item.

  • New Time - Reports will have a header when exported as PDF.

  • Materials - Now available on mobile! Access the materials module on the SiteMax app.

🚀 Improvements

  • Tasks - Tasks on web will now show completed tasks and tasks to be completed. Use the "Completed" column to rearrange the list.

  • Tasks - Mobile. Task descriptions will now be wrapped.

  • New Time - When adding time on web, admins can add multiple users to the user field.

  • New Time - Custom fields can be ordered by using drag and drop. Go to actions and reorder to set the order.

  • New Time - "All" function added to reports and custom fields so users can add multiple at once.

  • Drawings - The mark-up tool has been renamed from markers to pins.

  • Punch List - Exports to include more fields.

  • Notice Board - Now includes full text, documents, and files.

  • Change Orders - Mobile. Status reflected by colour.

  • Purchase Orders - Cancleld POs are excluded from the total when the workflow is set to approval.

🛠️ Fixes

  • New Time - Reports formatting and filters errors. Fixed.

  • Drawings - Unable to sync drawings on mobile. Fixed.

  • Photos - Deleted mark-ups saving issues. Fixed.

  • Scheduler - Email notifications not being sent. Fixed.

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