Always remember to ensure the correct people have the appropriate permissions to access your company and project data. This can be done per individual or by applying Permission Templates.
In order to access Form Settings, users will need Edit Permissions in Settings
Access Settings
In Company Settings found on the navigation bar on the left-hand side, select the Modules tab and click "Forms". Access each form's settings by clicking on the gear icon.
A new page will appear where you can make your customizations
PDF Header Settings
Here is where you can customize how you would like the form to appear in the completed PDF view.
Everything up to "Enable Alternative Logo" checked on this list will be hidden from the PDF header
*Example of form with no PDF Header Settings hidden
Enable Alternative Logo
If you incorporated an alternative logo into your company branding, you can enable this to show in your reports instead of your default. See our article here.
Form Options
Form Options allow you to improve your company's workflows with automation and customization.
*Enable copy from existing
*Enable copy from existing
Save time by copying previously filled out forms by enabling the copy from existing function. This allows any saved form to be copied to a new form by populating all information added.
Once this is selected, a dropdown will be available at the end of a new form created from this template to copy the data from a previously filled form.
When creating a new form, you will be able to duplicate the data entries from a previously filled form within the same project by clicking the Copy from existing button and selecting the form.
Enable labelling
Enable labelling
Organize and sort your forms more easily by implementing automatic labelling. Enabling labelling allows you to see your necessary criteria without having to open your forms.
Step 1: Locate and Copy the Data ID
In the Edit page of your Form, find the field that you would like to show up in your Label column. Click on the "Copy Data ID" icon, and your Data ID is now ready to be pasted into the proper field.
Step 2: Enable Labelling
Click on the "Enable labelling" option under your Form Options
Step 3: Enter your Data ID into the Label Field
Paste the Data ID you copied of the field you selected in Step 1 into the "Label" Field.
Note; when entering the Data ID, be sure to add the braces (curly brackets) around the ID number (see above)
Step 4: View Automatic Labels
Now that you have enabled your label, let's see what it looks like in your list of reports
*As the form is completed, the field will be reflected under the Label column.
Enable statuses
Enable statuses
Create or receive automatic updates based on your form's status. Enabling statuses allows you to either configure the status of the form yourself, or automatically update the status of your form.
Step 1: Locate and Copy the Data ID
In the Edit page of your Form, find the field that you would like to show up in your Status column. Click on the "Copy Data ID" icon, and your Data ID is now ready to be pasted into the proper field.
Step 2: Enable Statuses
Click on the "Enable labelling" option under your Form Options
Step 3: Enter your Data ID into the Status Field
Paste the Data ID you copied of the field you selected in Step 1 into the "Status" Field.
Note: when entering the Data ID, be sure to add the braces { } or curly brackets around the ID number.
Step 4: View Automatic Statuses
Now that you have enabled your status, let's see what it looks like in your list of reports.
*As the form is completed, the field will be reflected under the Status column.
Enable custom PDF name
Enable custom PDF name
By enabling a custom PDF name, when you create a report and click "Save" it will now generate a PDF with a customized file name. For example, you may customize the name to include the report's name and date in the title, such as, "Mechanical Inspection Report - 2023-03-30.pdf" instead of a random combination of letters and numbers.
*When enabled, you will have the option to add field blocks or text for the desired autogenerated file name.
Enable form sign-off
Enable form sign-off
Sign off on a completed form without having to go through the whole form. When enabled, this feature allows you to sign off on a form within the PDF viewer.
Adding a Sign-Off
Disable default Save buttons
Disable default Save buttons
When incorporating the "Save" and "Submit" buttons within Form Builder, you can then disable the Save/Save & Email functions found at the bottom of the form. This helps to avoid confusion with your team when filling out forms.
*Completed Form with Save and Submit components and Disabled Save enabled
Form Visibility
Use the Form Visibility feature to Restrict visibility on completed forms for all users except those: Created By, Assigned To, or Users with Tags.
This will ensure that important form details are only made available to specified users and those it is shared with using Email Distribution.
*Note: Your form visibility rules will apply when enabling "Copy from existing." If a user does not meet the requirements in Form Visibility, they will not be able to utilize the copy from the existing feature.