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Understanding Field Dependency

What is Field Dependency?

Marjorie Galit avatar
Written by Marjorie Galit
Updated over a week ago


What is the field dependency option in the new custom form settings?


Each component you input when creating a Form Builder Form has the option "Field Dependency".

What is Field Dependency?

Field dependency refers to the ability to display a field on a form only if a certain condition is met. By setting up field dependencies, you can create more dynamic and streamlined forms that adapt to user input.

Example Scenario:

Let's consider a simple example to better understand how field dependency works. Suppose you have a checkbox field labeled "Option A" and another field labeled "Additional Details." You want the "Additional Details" field to be shown only if the "Option A" checkbox is checked.

To achieve this, you would set up a field dependency on the "Additional Details" field, referencing the "Option A" checkbox. You would specify that the "Additional Details" field should be displayed only if the "Option A" checkbox is checked.

What the form will show:

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