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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Common questions and answers designed to help users find information quickly and easily

Understanding Size Limits and Best Practices
Time Tracking and User Visibility
Duplicating a Custom Form
Create a report based on historical time data
Resending a users email invite
Understanding Field Dependency
Understanding the "On Deck" Status
I Added a New Project and Saved it, But I Can't See it - How to Solve it?
How do we give equipment a timecard?
How to Remove People from SiteMax?
How to Create and Use Your Signature in SiteMax?
Scanning and Moving Equipment (Mobile)
How do I setup/edit my equipment in SiteMax?
Can I remove equipment?
How can we extract multiple equipment reports?
How to Delete Cost Codes in SiteMax?
When I scan an Equipment QR code, what happens?
How do I Add Equipment?
How to Send Punch List Outside SiteMax?
How to Print a List of Drawings in a Folder in SiteMax?
Where can I see my equipment?
How to Use Offline Storage Sync on Mobile?
What is a Geo-fence?
Can I change or delete the folder name "safety-manual"?
Does the weather in reports depend on the date they were created or the date they were assigned?
How do I create an Equipment Report? - Mobile
How to add custom labels to forms?
How can I delete a Purchase Order?
How can we track our equipment service & maintenance records?
Where are my tools located? How do I know?
Why is the print quality of the drawings low?
Is there a way to modify the "created" date of a form I already completed?
Why did my entered time in timecards change?
How to Check the Status of Your Time?
Can I Turn Off Lunch Time Settings for Specific Users or Classifications?
Can I Share Site Reports with Clients?
How to Get Support?
How do I export all the information in a project on SiteMax?
Why are my users taken out of the permissions template?
Can I retrieve deleted messages?
Can I choose the quantity for the equipment?
Marking Up Photos in the Mobile App: Coming Soon!
Troubleshooting Guide: Not Receiving SiteMax Notifications
Can I delete a project?
Can we edit the uploaded Word or Excel file in the documents?
How to Link QR codes to Equipment?
Does SiteMax have SMS notifications?
Why Can't I Upload Photos?
How to Define and Choose the Address in Purchase Order
How to Restrict Employee Time Entry to Only Clocking In and Out
How do I delete messages at SiteMax?
How do I remove the "created date" from the exported PDF form?
RFI auto-generated emails
Android 9 and 10 - Mobile Application
Submitting a Time Entry/ Timecard Issue
I can't log in, what should I do?
How do I save my usernames and passwords on a login screen?
Troubleshooting Location (iOS)
How to prevent users from changing time entries?
Cost Code Drop-Down Menu Limitations
Sharing Documents with Contacts
Rounding Enabled: Accessing Actual Check-In/Check-Out Times
Why are my item descriptions cut?
Reporting a Bug