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Notifications for Materials

Be notified when you're running low on materials

Kelly Shee avatar
Written by Kelly Shee
Updated over a week ago

Dashboard > Materials > Select Material

Keeping track of your materials has never been easier. By enabling notifications, SiteMax will alert you (or the person in charge of ordering) when your material is running low.

How to allow notifications for Materials in SiteMax:

  1. In the Materials module, select the material for which you want to receive warnings. This will take you into Edit mode.

  2. Check the box marked "Send warning on quantity threshold". By selecting this, a new field will populate, allowing you to select the threshold quantity for which to receive the warning (ie; if you need to order nails when you reach a quantity of 100 or fewer, 100 would be your threshold)

  3. Select the Assignee you wish to receive the notifications

  4. Click "Update"

Now, when your material has reached your chosen threshold, the specified assignee will receive the notifications and can place the necessary order.

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