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Team - Managing Records
Team - Managing Records

Viewing, editing, renewing, archiving, and filtering records within the Records tab of the Team module

Kelly Shee avatar
Written by Kelly Shee
Updated over 6 months ago

Dashboard > Team > Records


Always remember to ensure the correct people have the appropriate permissions to access your company and project data. This can be done per individual or by applying Permission Templates.

In order to edit records, users will need Edit permissions for Records

Make edits to, archive and renew your user's records directly from the Records tab of the Team module.

Viewing Records

Under the Records tab in the Team module, you can see the records. By default the system will filter your user's records by "Active" status, but you can also choose to view by other statuses: Expired, Open, Completed, Open, Archived, Unarchived. As well, you have other filter options such as Users, Contacts, Categories, etc.

  1. To use the filter function, click on the filter option above the records listing

As long as you have entered an expiry date for your uploaded records, you will be able to see how many days you have before the record expires. This is a great way of keeping track of all your users' records in SiteMax.
Below, you can see the "Expires In" column.

Editing, Renewing, and Archiving Records

  1. In the Records tab, select the record you wish to edit

2. An edit screen will appear and you can make any necessary changes

Bulk Edit

Within the Records tab, you can bulk edit multiple records, to adjust issued and expiry dates, as well as the Issuing Body.

  1. Select the records you wish to edit by checking the boxes beside each one (be sure to note the names beside each record so that you're selecting the correct records)

  2. Click on the Actions dropdown to select "Bulk Edit"

This will bring you to a pop up screen of the information that can be edited.

  1. Make any changes necessary (Issuing Body, Issued/Service Date, Expiry/Estimated Next Service Date)

  2. Select "Save"

Bulk Archive

You can archive several records at once, whether due to expiration or blocked users.

  1. Select the records you wish to archive (be sure to note the names beside each record so that you're selecting the correct records)

  2. Click on the Actions dropdown to select "Archive"

Renewing records

When a user's record has expired, rather than uploading a new one, you can renew the existing record.

  1. Open the record you wish to renew and click on the "Renew" button at the bottom of the page

Archiving Records

If a record or certification becomes obsolete, or if the user is no longer with the company, you may want to archive the record.

  1. Open the record you wish to archive and select the "Archive" button at the bottom of the page

Set Reminders for Expired Records

If a record is about to expire, you can set a reminder as the expiry date approaches. You can set this reminder for multiple recipients

  1. Open the record you wish to set reminders for

  2. Click on the "Remind me" box and set the reminder date and time

  1. Select the recipients from the "Reminder Recipients" dropdown

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