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Time Center - Equipment Time

Enable equipment time. Time entries with equipment.

Marjorie Galit avatar
Written by Marjorie Galit
Updated over a week ago

Dashboard > Time Center > Equipment

Just like how we create time entries and track a user's time, we can record time for items of equipment or associate them as a part of a user's timecard. In order for an item to be available for time tracking, you will need to enable this from the equipment tab, or during setup, you can enable a checkbox option.

2 Methods of Enabling Equipment Tracking

  1. Enabling Equipment Tracking via Equipment ID:

    • Click on the equipment ID to access the equipment profile.

    • Navigate to the "Profile" tab within the equipment profile.

    • Look for the checkbox labeled "Time Tracking?" and ensure it is selected to enable time tracking for the equipment.

  2. Enabling Equipment Tracking from the Equipment List:

    • From the equipment list, select multiple equipments by checking the checkboxes next to their respective entries.

    • Click the "Actions" drop-down menu located at the top or side of the equipment list.

    • Choose the "Bulk Edit" option from the drop-down menu.

    • In the bulk edit interface, locate the "Time Tracking?" field.

    • Save the changes to enable time tracking for the selected equipment.


Equipment in timecards: You have the option within the timecard settings to make equipment in a timecard optional, required, or disabled for a user.

Timecard options: Equipment time cards will have all the same fields as a user's timecard like Cost code, Geo fence, Work Type, duration, and so on.

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