Company Dashboard > Team > Users
Always remember to ensure the correct people have the appropriate permissions to access your company and project data. This can be done per individual or by applying Permission Templates.
In order to adjust a user's Permissions, users will need Edit permissions for Users
Records can be uploaded and managed in the Company's Team module or can be found at the project level. Users may need to upload their own personal records (First Aid licenses) to the Project or Company's records for proper management of expiration dates and accurate information.
User Permissions for Records at the Project Level
To change the User's permissions for records, navigate to your Company's Users page from the Teams module. Click on the User's name to open up the User's Settings. Then click on the Permissions tab to locate the Records permissions.
In the User's Permissions, you will find Records (self) under Project.
The four icons on the right indicate the User's granted access to:
View one's own records
Create one's own records
Edit one's own records
Manage or delete one's own records
Select the desired Records permissions for your Users.
User Permissions for Records at the Company Level
Give users permission to View, Create, Edit, and Manage all user records in the same Permission
The four icons on the right indicate the User's granted access to:
View one's own records
Create one's own records
Edit one's own records
Manage or delete one's own records
With View Only permissions, users will have the ability to Export CSV of records.
Navigate from Dashboard > Team > Records
With View Only permissions, users won't be able to Edit Records.
“Your system administrator decides on the permissions and access that are given to you. The team can assist in understanding functionalities and behaviour but can not grant access on the system administrator behalf to individual users.”
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